Greetings! I'm New Here
Many of us had similar fears, and like you, my body always fought me tooth and nail every time I made a solid effort to lose weight. It took altering my body's metabolism to overcome that, and it worked like a charm. I've met many DSers in the 12.5 years since I had mine, and I only met one who's weight just stopped for unknown reasons. Another didn't make it to goal, but she had lost a LOT, and she blames it on her 150 cm common channel (most of us have around 100).
I've also not heard of your surgeon as a DS doc. I highly urge you to ask if he does a traditional DS or one of the new hybrids, also known as SADI, Loop DS, or SIPS. Many surgeons are jumping on that bandwagon that have never done DS before (which is why another responder asked this), and while it's looking promising so far the long term results are still unknown. That question of "what if it doesn't work for me" is a much more unknown if you've got the experimental hybrids instead of the real deal.
When it comes to the bariatric vitamins the nutritionist had you try, they really aren't necessary. You can mix and match to customize exactly what your body needs and save a small fortune. has a program for DSers that is the most complete of what DSers need. It's not a multivitamin, but it includes one. Nobody I know of went deficient with her program right out of the gate. Once you have an idea of your needs, you can start shopping around to get the best prices.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
Hi Valerie,
Thank you for your supporting words. :-) I hope that I too can say that the surgery worked like a charm 12 years from now. My doctor does the real DS. Have you heard of Dr. Dennis Smith? From what I understand, he's big in the field. He now works in Florida, but he moved there from Marietta GA, and he left his practice behind to my doctor, Dr. Jean-Pierre. So I think I will be in good hands.
You are the second person to recommend I will check this out.
Hi Pink! What you're feeling is perfectly normal. I'll tell you what I tell my kids when they're worried about something. Worrying changes nothing. It doesn't help you, it only steals your joy. It's a giant lie that will lurk in the shadows and try to tell you that you don't matter, that you deserve to fail. So ignore it. Whenever you start to worry, deliberately think of something else. Go for a walk, do the dishes, listen to some music and sing as loudly as you can--anything to get your mind on something else. Don't allow the negativity to reside in your brain. It will not help you, it will only steal your joy. Eventually it will go away. It wants attention and if it can't get it from you, it will move somewhere else. This will happen. You will lose the weight and you will be healthier and happier than you ever dreamed. It's going to be OK.

Let's do this together. I don't have a surgery date yet, but I think it will be at the end of June.
If you want to keep in touch, send me an email at [email protected] I'd love to have a WLS buddy.