oil slick
I was thinking I would leave work quickly and go home and change but I am worried about leaving a fecal odour in my office/on my chair etc and wondered what the oil was like. I know that I will have to figure it out but most people who I read who talk about it talk about the mess, I am worried about that but also smell
"You're off to great places today is your day your mountain is waiting so get on your way.Oh the Places you'll go" Dr.Seuss
HOWEVER, if you do consumer a lot of fat and you do not absorb the fat, the fat will come out with your morning poop. It is more of a 1st year or two phenomenon for sure....it became less frequent over the years for me. But If you consume a lot of fat all day-you will more likely have frequent BMs over sharting yourself. But again at 11 years out, I can eat pretty much whatever I want without issues (Although Tuna with mayo causes me to be gassy)
I will say again sharts stink (regardless of who has them). You can search oil slicks on this site to see people's posts about them.
Traveling often made me very aware of this problem. I wear an extra long pad, keep spare underwear and wipes in my carry on. Even unscented hand cream to use with tp to make sure you are smell free. I keep a plastic zip lock bag for smelly undies or I throw them away.
This situation only happened once but I was so aware that I may carry an odor with me that I now take these precautions as normal traveling equipment.
These tools may help you get the confidence that you need to handle problems that may come up.
Also keep room deodorizer and spray in office in case you need it.

RNY revision to Lap DS Feb, 2016, Dr. Ayoola.
HW 235/SW 184/CW 127