Frustrated with labs. Ugh

K P.
on 3/13/17 12:36 pm
DS on 07/08/14

Just got my lab results back after having them done on 03/03. My Dr wanted them done in early pregnancy so we could assess. I was about 8.5 weeks when I had them drawn. I kind of suspected my calcium was a little low because I'd had seen some other numbers, but figured no big deal I'll up my calcium. My level was only slightly low at 8.6 (range 8.7-10.2)

I was worried about my protein as well because I haven't been able to eat as much as I'd like. Pre pregnancy my protein goal was 120g a day and I hit that target or did better 99% of the time, and my labs were in the 7g/dL range (interval 6-8.5) so not too bad. But since becoming pregnant I am really feeling restriction. It's like I have a brand new sleeve! I used to be able to eat a full chicken thigh and wing in one sitting, now I can barely finish half a thigh type restriction. I eat about every 1-2hrs as well. I have only been getting about 70-100g a day. I also haven't been able to eat any beef so it's been park and chicken (still good but not as good a source as beef). But still I figured my numbers were good and I should be able to make it through the first trimester based on it. But nope not going to happen. My level has dropped to 5.7g/dL (6-8.5 range). And drinking protein is out. The sweetness of the shakes makes me gag I want finish them.

Then my vitamin D is low AGAIN. Guess we'll up that dose. Mine was 25.1 (range 30-100).

My B12 is still high - whatever. I only take what's in my ADEK. Not much to do about that one. 1992 (range 211-946 Ha!)

And then apparently my B1 Thiamine is also high at 215.4 (range 66.5-200). Not sure about that either as my only B's are in my ADEK.

I just feel helpless about my protein and worry about my health. I'm praying once second trimester comes in a few weeks I'll be able to eat beef again and hopefully tolerate a protein shake.

Sorry for the long rant post. Labs just feel like whack-a-mole.

HW 284; SW 270; CW 152; Revised GW 140-160  

on 3/13/17 2:22 pm

Hi, congrats on the pregnancy!! Thats so exciting, and no worries about ranting, labs can be scary even without the worry of a baby.

I'm not an expert and you should definitely do what your docs recommend, but I wanted to reassure you that having a baby when your protein level is low is feasible. Ive had Low protein levels my whole life (due to a protein losing enteropathy, not surgery) and I had a very healthy baby boy.

I cant drink protein shakes either. I litterally throw up everytime Ive had one. Have you tried the protein shots? Its a small tube, with 42g of protein for 180 calories. I usually drink half in the morning, and half at night. Its not pleasant, but because i dont have to drink too much its easier.

Good luck and keep us updated

K P.
on 3/13/17 3:08 pm
DS on 07/08/14

Thanks for the reply. I just don't want to get sick. Glad to know it is possible to get through though.

Ive seen those shot but thought they were made of collagen (or something else) which isn't a complete protein. Is the one you take a complete protein?

HW 284; SW 270; CW 152; Revised GW 140-160  

on 3/13/17 4:27 pm

I don't blame ya. If I had known better I would have worried about my Lvls when I was pregnant too. Dr's always assumed I only ate junk so they told me to eat more meat.

It does have collagen protein but the full list is........ Complete Protein Matrix (IDS Proprietary Blend of Collagen Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate, Casein Protein Isolate).

I had the first normal protein labs while I was taking this. Never should have stopped but my surgeon wanted calories to come from food. I'll definitely be using it with my revision!

on 3/13/17 9:03 pm

Oh before I totally forget, have you tried the unjury protein chicken broth? I would make a cup of chicken Boulion broth and add a scoop of the unjury chicken broth. Can't taste the difference. I would also add it to a chicken soup or gravey for my momma (she had cancer and couldn't eat much). There are also protein noodles u can buy. They taste just like normal noodles (and I'm extremely sensitive to texture). Ok, think that's all ?

K P.
on 3/14/17 1:54 pm
DS on 07/08/14

Thanks I completely forgot about the chicken soup protein I'd tried before.

HW 284; SW 270; CW 152; Revised GW 140-160  

on 3/14/17 7:26 am
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