DS approved! but questions remain.

on 6/5/16 9:15 pm - bay area, CA

I'm sorry you have already been through so much!

I doubt insurance would spring for any experimental procedure unless you had no other alternative, and maybe not even then. But even if they would, I would still recommend the classic, real DS. You have already gone through the misery of weight regain with gastric bypass, why put yourself through any operation with unknown long term results? With the DS, you get the operation with the best documented long term results for excess weight loss, for maintaining that weight loss, and for resolution of all major comorbidities. And no risk of bile reflux.

I can't speak from personal experience, but I've seen other people report that their IBS actually improved with the DS. but there is certainly no guarantee. Most of us find that if we limit carbs, we do fine. And I'm wondering if your surgeon, who sounds like a very experienced DS surgeon, could deal with that blind loop while he's at it, which might help a lot.

I think you are right that people who have never lived with MO, even bariatric surgeons, have no idea what our lives are like. Not just the comorbidities, which are serious enough, but also quality of life. To them, if you lose just 50% of your excess weight, you are a "success", even though you may still be MO. It just goes to show how poor the results are with any treatment other than surgery. You have every right to consider your quality of life when making this decision.


on 6/6/16 11:43 am - Parma, OH
DS on 04/15/13

Npt knowing much about the sphincterectomy does give me pause but I don't really see the bowel issues as that big a deal. I so think you might have a harder first 2 or 3 months than most of us. I'm 3 years out and any bowel issues are directly related to what I eat. My BM's are usually much softer than pre-op although not to the Dh extent. 

I think a traditional DS is still your best bet but if caution about your other issues leads you to the SADI/SIPPS then make the best of the tool you can. There are a lot of people who have done well with it. SInce you have less weight to use than originally it might not be a bad option. I just think anyone talking about incontinent or extreme BM problem DS'rs is mpstly relying on not only outdated information but probably just anecdotal.

Good Luck,


on 6/11/16 9:44 pm

I hope you feel better soon.

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