Restriction in a new VSG to DS revision

on 5/19/16 8:54 pm

I am 3 weeks out from my VSG to DS revision. I was not resleeved since the doctor felt my sleeve size was not big enough to go through the possible complications of resleeving. He did remove some scar tissue. I am curious to know if this is going to affect the way I will/should eat. 

Five years after VSG my sleeve stretched and I could eat a lot more than the 2-3oz I started at (Still nowhere near the amount before surgery). I am supposed to begin eating regular foods in another week. At this point I have no appetite and have to really force my liquids and vitamins down throughout the day even though my sleeve is the same size. Food is the last thing I want. Since surgery I haven't been able to get anything down thicker than yogurt and even then no more than a spoonful or two. I am guessing it is just because I am still healing overall. Surgeries are tough on me.

Hopefully my appetite returns soon but if it doesn't I dont want my body to think it is being deprived of food. Any other VSG revisions go through the same thing? Were you resleeved? If not, after you introduced regular food back into your diet did you eat "normally" or did you start with the 2-3oz again? Any insight is appreciated!

on 5/20/16 6:30 am - Canada

Hi, I also did the VSG to DS revision like you. My sleeve was stretched but the surgeon did not want to tighten it during the DS. I still have good restriction, although not like the first year, for sure. Since I did not lose weight after the DS, in fact, gained, the surgeon slightly tightened my stomach ( a year after DS I think) while he was repairing a hernia, but it did not help. As for eating after surgery, I had no problem after a few weeks of mush. You just have to take it slow, bite by bite. Do not let yourself skip vitamins especially vit D. Your pouch should not be too sensitive after a few weeks, since it did not get cut. If you are really having a lot of trouble, please get back to the surgeon right away. Best of luck to you!! -Michelle in Ontario, Canada

Stephen P.
on 6/21/16 5:35 pm - MA
VSG on 05/27/14

I had the VSG May 27, 2014, I am down about 150lbs. I am having it converted to the DS next month (July 25 I believe). This is concerning hearing that you were in the same boat and you GAINED weight after the revision.... Any ideas why? Im starting to second guess whether I should go through with it. 

SURGERY DATE:05-27-14//1st weigh-in,6-10-14: -45.1 lbs//2nd weigh-in,7-10-14: -24.0 lbs//3rd weigh-in,8-12-14:-27.6.// 4th weigh-in,9-27-14 -31.2//5th weigh-in,10-27-14: -13.6// 6th weigh-in,11-19-2014: -18// 7th weigh-in,12-27-14  -10// 8th weigh-in 01-26-15  -13.4// 9th Weigh-in 02-27-15   ???


on 6/4/16 7:53 pm

hello, I have not had it done yet july, but I had a sleeve .. So I would like to here what others have to say. My DS is in July. I  think that your doing great I hope I do as well. I am eating the triple zero okios yogurt great for protein. and I have stocked up on pure protein drinks. That in itself is going to fill me up. Did you have a appointment with a diet pro.. I have to go and see her after my surgery. I am sure she will let me know. I know I am going to journal what my intake is daily and I will take it to my appointments.  I sure hope my goes as well Dr told me he did not need to redo my sleeve because he looked at it when I had a upper GI and it was still in good shape. I am having terrible problems from regaining. I cant breathe have trouble getting up from a sitting position, and I have cellulitis. I cant wait to do this. Perhaps you and I could stay in touch I would love having someone to share with, close to my surgery. I hope I haven't bored you. Thanks Sara

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