I sent out my new patient packet to the bariatric office two weeks ago. I have been waiting for a call from them to schedule an appointment. So I email them Monday informing them that I completed the information session online and wanted to know if they received my patient packet that was mailed through the postal service. Yesterday I get a response that they have not received my packet and to go online again and download the packet again and send it to them by email or fax.
Ok fine. So I pull the site up again and go to the New Patient Packet thread click it and this is the response I get "THIS PAGE CAN NOT BE FOUND"! I tried six times to pull this page up with no luck. I tried again today with no luck. So I call them to see if they can send me these forms through the mail....... To my amazement the office closes at 2pm every day and won't open again until tomorrow! GRRRRRRR
I want to scream and cry but that won't solve my problems. GRRRRRR!
Thanks for letting me vent.
Have a great week everyone!

Ugh! That would have me searching for another surgeon. Good luck moving this thing forward.
5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish?
Join us on the Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny
Unfortunately my insurance will only cover me if at John Hopkins Bayview Center. So my choice has been limited. Just keep me I prayer that they will consider me for DS. Larra researched and the surgeon I chose no longer does DS. Also I receive an email this morning that they have received my new patient packet.
HOPE YOU HAVE A great day.

I am sorry for the aggrevation and unfortunately I am about to add to your aggrevation. I looked up some of your older posts, and the surgeon you have named stopped doing the DS years ago. He stopped so abruptly that at least 1-2 people who had insurance approval and dates were called and told he would no longer do their DS. To say that this was upsetting to them would be an understatement.
I strongly recommend that you find a different surgeon - not because this one is a ad surgeon, I am absolutely NOT saying that, but because unless there has been a major change he doesn't do the DS anymore. At the very, very least you need to ask some clear and direct questions of his staff and see what's what. It is unfortunate that all of us have to be so careful and that there is confusion and sometimes misinformation out there, but that is our reality.
I will also send you a pm, so be on the lookout for it.
Thanks Larra. When I woke up this morning and got my coffee I sat down and checked my emails. And guess what? I received an email stating that they found my packet. Whew! I normally don't get that frustrated and aggravated, but when it's something important like this my patience fly's right out the window.
thank you so much for researching my surgeon and discovering that he no longer does DS surgeries. When I contacted my insurance company they informed me that they will only cover my surgery if I have done at John Hopkins Bayview. So if I'm to proceed then I will go to the appointment they schedule and talk to them about it. If push comes to shove and they will only do a VGS then I will have to go with that. I will pray that they will at least consider me for a DS.
Once again thank you sweetheart, I very much appreciate all your help.

Glad the found the packet. One less worry for you.
You need to get a copy of your EOC (evidence of coverage) to see what is covered in the way of bariatric surgery and also what appeals rights you have, if any. It's possible that, if the DS is covered but there is no surgeon in network, they could be forced to pay for your surgery out of network. However, I've seen instances like this before where the "network" is limited to one hospital or group, when there is no way to appeal. But bottom line, without your EOC, there is no way to know. The EOC is not a little summary of benefits, it's a lengthy document, like 80 - 100 pages. You can get it either through your HR or, if your insurance is through a spouse's job, through the spouse's HR. Or, sometimes from the insurer.
Also, you need to know whether your insurance is self funded or fully funded. This may make a big difference in whether or not you have appeals rights.
that sucks .... you should research who does DS in the area a little bit, sometimes a doctor is in network but the hospital is forever away. My soon to be DS surgeon is 2 and a half hours away from me but he is still in network because so few doctors do the surgery. So ask your insurance company questions.