It's been nearly 4 yrs since my surgery. I am not compliant with the vitamin regimine, never have been and yet I've never felt any symptoms. In fact I haven't even been to the doctor for a checkup in a couple years. So I have no lab work to corroborate my great health but trust me when I say I have no symptoms. In fact I never experienced any of the post surgical symptoms others have decribed here.
Makes me very curious.
This is why some surgeons have stopped performing the DS- people die from not taking their vitamins/supplements. Perhaps you will not suffer the same fate, but why are you risking it?
Laura in Texas
53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)
RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis
brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco
"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."
It's been nearly 4 yrs since my surgery. I am not compliant with the vitamin regimine, never have been and yet I've never felt any symptoms. In fact I haven't even been to the doctor for a checkup in a couple years. So I have no lab work to corroborate my great health but trust me when I say I have no symptoms. In fact I never experienced any of the post surgical symptoms others have decribed here.
Makes me very curious.
If you value your health, you'll go GET a complete set of labs. Some deficiencies have no symptoms until you're nearly dead.
Don't get me wrong---I feel you're free to kill yourself in whatever manner best suits you. If not taking vitamins floats your boat, go for it! The last six months or so of your life may be far less pleasant that you'd like, but hey---it's YOUR choice, dude! Burn that candle at both ends. It will only last half as long that way, but there's nothing quite like the freedom to just ignore the rules and do your own thing. And think of the money you're saving! Your family can buy you a really nice headstone with all that moola.
Of course, there's a small chance they're really just rather have you stay alive and healthy...
Wow, don't be shy MsBatt, say how you really feel! lol
But seriously, people do need to stay up with their lab work, even as a VSG'r I still take vitamins & follow up with bloodwork. It takes awhile for a problem to occur & it takes forever to solve, that's if its not too late.
Hell even a lot of people who haven't had wls need vitamins because most don't get everything they need from food, simply because they're not eating it on a regular basis.
Kinda hard for post op people with tiny tummies & protein forward lifestyles, to get all their nutrients everyday from food, rny'rs & ds'rs have it particulary hard.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
DS people come in all shapes and sizes. The fact is with vitamins you just don't know without blood work if something is really going wrong. About the only thing that seems to show symptoms the quickest is low iron.
I'm willing to see you as a small part of the absorption curve who might get enough vitamins from food. I'ld be more inclined if you had on-going labs to back that up. It's just true that a lot of vitamin deficiencies aren't things that I would consider symptomati****il very late in the deficiency process. I mean, how long and how badly do you have to be itamin A deficient before the main symptom of night blindness occurs???? It's the same with other deficiencies.
I've seen a lot of people with vitamin regimes that make me roll my eyes but it works for them and that is all that can be asked of newbies. Follow your labs and don't guess. If the majority of people could make do with no vitamins we would be hearing from a lot more of them. Trying to guess if you are in what might be a very small percentage of, I don't know, "efficient absorbers?" is still playing russian roulette with your health.
I am curious as to what symptoms you think you might see from deficiencies. As far as I can tell, except for iron, it might take a long time to show any symptoms of anything and depending on your lifestyle you might not find out anything for a long time.
It is curious but still a little bit of a leap of faith.
I hope your blood work comes out ok when you get checked, skipping vitamins & not getting your labs done is not a good idea. Just because you don't feel something is happening doesn't mean nothing is happening. Your body will take calcium from its bones if it doesn't get it from you, you won't feel this, but it happens. When you break a bone just from a simple fall you'll notice then what you've been doing, & after a certain age you can't build up calcium stores like you used to when you're young.
Don't take foolish chances, get your labs done & take your vitamins, its not optional, even for me as a vsg'r I still have to take vitamins & I still need bloodwork.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
on 5/1/16 4:45 pm
Like others have said, you don't necessarily feel many bad things happening until it's too late, like bones turning to paste, or cognitive issues (maybe stuff like making profoundly bad decisions). Something like that may be more obvious to others, than to yourself.