DS folks who have been successful, what probiotic do you use and what is your food plan like?

on 3/13/16 7:54 pm

There has been a lot of research out on probiotics and gut bacteria affecting weight loss. I was just curious about what probiotics succesful DS folks have used. I have heard some folks mention that they have either gained weight, lost or stalled when using certain probiotics so I am curious to hear others experiences. I would also be interested in hearing what your eating plan looks like-fat, protein and carbs on a daily basis. What worked for you? Has anything worked when you were stuck or did anything help you lower your carb intake? Thank you everyone

on 3/14/16 1:58 am - VA

I am totally pro probiotics. I use a prescription version of VSL#3 DS and love the results. When I buckle down and lower carbs and overall volume of food, I lose weight. I just wish I had known about it earlier, I was self medicating with antibiotics until they just about stopped working.

When I'm being good, I keep net carbs below 75. That's hard to do with as much dairy as I eat and drink. I don't avoid fat but I don't track it.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 3/14/16 8:02 am

Thank you for replying. I was extremely strict with my eating for the first year-less than 50g carbs- but the weight loss was extremely slow regardless. Then it completely just stopped which caused me great frustration and thats when I started to eat a few carbs here and there. Then I just sort of lost control. I wonder if the selection of my probiotic could have affected my results at all-in addition to my own actions. I just wonder if it slowed it down. A friend of mine just started my probiotic GNC 50 and she was very brain foggy and exhausted-that is pretty much how I feel most of the time. I'm switching up my probiotic to see if it has any affect or it if assists with the weight loss in any way. I know I have to do my part but I just don't want to be taking anything that could be making it harder for me. I have heard a lot about a specific strain of probiotic called of LGasseri sbt2055 having good results with weight loss so Im' looking for a good probiotic with it in it. Going to check out VSL#3.

I've started to cut back my carbs and I'm going to track more diligently and see if I can get this surgery to work for me. I had lost over 130 lbs post surgery then gained back 20+. I never got down to goal and am sitting at 210 and I'm 5'3. I'm hoping that with due diligence with cutting back carbs etc that I can get down to goal. Feeling someone defeated so I greatly appreciate your support and input. Thank you!

on 3/14/16 12:49 pm

The only time I have ever taken pro-biotics was when I had to use some heavy duty antibiotics for a dental infection.  Didn't see much difference with or without them so I figured why pay for something else!

I am not a classic DS success story.  I never got what I wanted, a normal BMI.  I remain pretty average looking/somewhat fluffy.  For my age, I pretty much look average.  I wanted the the baggy size 2.  Ain't gonna happen.  I have serious doubts my CC ever was the 75cm I was told.  I never had a single deficiency either so I am absorbing plenty.  I hate it that I went through all this to still be fat but if I had done nothing I would either be dead or 500lbs by now.  So crappy results or not, I did the right thing.

My diet is mostly protein and fat.  I have avoided carbs all my life so that's pretty automatic.  Meat and cheese are my 2 go to foods.  I am not at all a special snowflake and I can eat anything.  No allergies or sensitivities.  Nothing makes me sick either.  If I am extremely active, I can sweat off a few lbs but I am getting too old for running and that's pretty much the only exercise I found that really works for me.  It takes up too much of my time to walk 5 to 7 miles a day so it's hard to be consistent.  If I eat only turkey that's good for a few lbs too but again, that's a lifestyle that's hard to maintain.

If I can work up the intestinal fortitude to diet again maybe I'll make it.  Who knows!

K P.
on 3/15/16 7:39 pm
DS on 07/08/14

I don't take a probiotic so can't help there. I tried a few times but they give me such horrible gas and pain that i've had to stop each time. 

I keep my protein above 120g a day, and my carb total is between 80-120 (usually about 18-25g fiber), and the fat just kinda works out to be anywhere between 100-150 grams a day. I eat about 2,000 calories on average. I eat a lot of dairy, meat, and i'd die without my nuts. 

Carbs are a tricky one for me. I get addicted to them easily. I find if I have two high carb days in a row I start to crave them. It's almost impossible for me to resist. If I was trying to loose weight i'd cut my carb intake even further though. For me I have one snack that is "high carb" meaning its between 10-15g, then I have popcorn which is about 30g. I would cut those out. I really have to work at it for 2 days to avoid carbs but after that I know i'm home free and stop craving them. 

Best of luck!

HW 284; SW 270; CW 152; Revised GW 140-160  

Valerie G.
on 3/16/16 9:17 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Daily yogurt and pickles give me what I need for probiotics.  My food plan is a lot of meat and cheese, followed by a veggie here or there, with carbs being the last thing I eat when I'm closing in on a full feeling.  I don't count carbs, but I'm mindful.  I eat fat like a fiend, butter on everything.

When I encountered a clinical stall during the losing phase, 1 or 2 Krispy Kremes and peppermint tea kicked the stall.  I think it had to do with kicking my digestive system in the butt to get it working again.

Today, it's a matter of really stacking up on protein and cutting back on the simple (white) carbs.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 4/12/16 11:16 am - Atlanta, GA

Hey I was wondering what brand of pickles are you eating.  I eat the fermented ones by Bubbies that are really good for my stomach.  It really cuts down on the gas issues and was wondering does it give you that same effect.  Do you have issues with gas?

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