Any DS alcoholics out there? And/or anti-depressant users?

on 3/7/16 11:17 am - Canada

Just wondering if there are any alcoholic, anti-depressant using DSers out there. In any area. Anybody love Vodka (or other) too much, and take a few anti-depressant meds too? Well just wondering, love to hear from you in a PM or public message. Thanks.

on 3/8/16 2:58 am

Hey  ( Michelle?  I think that was your name)

I remember you and the difficulty you had.  I don't have any advice for you but your post sounds desperate and sad.  I just hope you are getting some help with a therapist.

Value yourself enough OK to seek assistance.  Last time - maybe a few years ago - you had lost your job and were spiraling.  Regardless of your work situation we have Ont health insurance right - so please get in touch with your family doc or a clinic and get a referral.

Its really tough if we think our worth is only measured by our weight.  Look at the courage it took for you to have two surgeries to try to get to a healthier place.  Yeah so maybe you didn't work it like you should have/could have.  Forgive yourself.


Good luck and reach out to a live person






Isha F.
on 3/8/16 9:33 am

Giving you a cyber hug!

Isha - I lost 235 pounds EATING NORMAL!  Saavy? Click on my name to find out why I chose the Duodenal Switch Surgery instead. 

isha.jpg picture by leaannjohnson
 Captain Hook: [to Wendy] Didst thou ever want to be a pirate? 


on 1/23/17 10:03 am - Canada

Just to update, I stopped drinking very soon after that last post. Totally. Alcohol free now without slipping for about 10 months!! I even dropped a few pounds, last time I was 209, now 201. But the depression and terrible anxiety is still haunting me, well I am used to that now. I hope all is well for everyone out there. -Michelle in Ontario, Canada

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