cant wait to feel normal

on 3/5/16 8:33 am

Good news is im down to 261 from 281hw.  14 pounds since surgery at 10 days out. Staples are out. And i am feeling better every day. But im at the point of wanting to get up and do things i cant do. Which is everything. Still super soar in the tummy. Gotta sleep in the recliner which is so so uncomfortable i could cry. But foods are getting much better except for the protein powder. Yuk! Makes me nauseated. I got the six stars whey protein plus triple chocolate made with lactose milk. Any suggestions?  Im feelijg very very week when walking which sucks. Plus my house is so small its hard to do "laps" but i have been doing what i can. I started my vitamins yesterday. Im wondering if anyone knows if peanut butter is ok? I have the kind that only has peanuts and salt. I was thinking mixing it in a shake with banana and my calcium powder. Im still not officially 2 weeks out until tuesday.  I think my favorite food so far is banana. And the lactose pills are helping with the dairy. So yea any suggestions on protein powder thats cheap and easy to get

on 3/5/16 10:54 am
DS on 11/11/14

Bananas are high in carbs, I still don't eat fruit 15months out except the occasional berry. Everyone has different taste in protein. I use premier protein rtd. You just have to try them till you find one you like.

on 3/5/16 1:30 pm

That's what I wanted.  To feel normal again.  Sounds like you are doing fine!

on 3/5/16 5:31 pm

Do you think whole wheat/ grain pasta would be ok?i know it has carbs or maybe a card smart type thing im in soft foods and dont know what to eat. Other than my banana lol

on 3/5/16 9:09 pm

Sf pudding, popsicles, tuna salad, crab salad, egg drop soup.  Start with a little bit and see how it goes!

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/16 1:16 pm

Peanut butter is fine, especially in a shake. I used Premier Protein the first 6 weeks and then switched to protein pills which I still take.

Carbs are also fine in moderation, especially bananas for potassium and various fruits which provides fiber. Avacados provide easy to digest healthy fat and keep your digestive system working, and fat in general should be a small but steady part of your diet.

At your stage, I really enjoyed runny mashed potatoes with chicken broth for gravy. Also Wendy Chilli should work well for you pretty soon.

Good luck and hang in there. It gets much better.


on 3/6/16 3:53 pm

I should try potatos again. I tried a scoop a few days ago and immidiatly bloated up and felt crappy. We have to go grocery shopping, all i have in the fridge is dairy. And i made the mistake of getting the powdered calcium which i have to find something to mix it in with 3 times a day and then the chaulky vitamin drops too yuk. I dont even have room for that much food.  But ill figure it out. I think i am a bit dehdrated too so i been drinking as much as i can. I cant wait to get grocerys though, and maybe a scale to weigh myself. I keep going back and forth thinking i dont want to discourage myself if i see a gain on it but. Then how would i know if i need to work on my diet. 

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/16 8:54 pm

I really hate the chalky calcium citrate pills but recently found chewable orange flavored calcium citrate at CVS. It's a new product and is a lot easier to tolerate. The protein is really aweful for me, so I take the pills from the Vitamin Shop. I also make smoothie with a half scopp of plain protein powder mixed in with fruits (fiber) and ice (hydration), and maybe a little plain yogurt (more protein).

on 3/7/16 5:21 am
DS on 11/11/14

Why sabotage your weight loss with carbs? The next 1-2yrs is when you'll lose the most weight, leave potatoes out. The DS is a high fat/high protein/low carb surgery. Just FYI. 

(deactivated member)
on 3/7/16 12:45 pm

I'm a fan of mashed potatoes and chicken broth early on, because it goes down relatively easy and has some decent nutritional value.

High carbs and high sugar add weight but in moderation they are fine. Just get in you protein and fluids as a priority. The rest will sort itself out.

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