I don't want to lose to much !

on 2/11/16 8:28 pm
VSG on 04/14/16

I had looked in to a SADi or Loop DS,  but opted against it due to the increased possibility of bile reflux and since it is still kinda experimental. I don't want to spend what little money I have on something without proven results. However I am positive I want the DS, but maybe with a longer common channel, 125-150m, depending on surgeons recommendations. Once cleared to do so I plan to start lifting moderate to heavy weights, hopefully trying to build muscle will decrease the amount of loose skin a little.  I do wish you the best with your SADi !

on 2/11/16 10:37 pm
VSG on 04/14/16

Well I just heard back from the Doctor, they recommend the VSG for 2 reasons (one I agree with, the other only time will tell). #1-They say  don't have very much weight to lose and their sleeves are tight and they have good long term results. (time will tell) Emailed them back to see how far back their "long-term" results go? #2-(agree with this) I have had a pulmonary embolism, and my mom and her siblings have all had DVT'S or PE's, but there is nor diagnosable clotting disorder. They want me to be under anesthesia for as short a time as possible, and I will be on blood thinners following surgery.

I am going to have to work this sleeve and if I cant maintain long-term (will try my best to make it work) I will look into having the revision when I have health insurance. Thanks for all your help everyone.


on 2/12/16 7:58 am

Sounds like the surgeons are doing a good job with offering you the wls that's best for you and your situation. I've been asking surgeons about the DS. So far, 4 different surgeons have said they would refuse to the perform DS in my case due to my weight (i'm 5'5 225) so if I decide to have revision surgery (I had the band done in 2005), more than likely, it'll be the vsg. I'm just concerned it won't be enough, because I have PCOS/insulin resistance syndrome and metabolic syndrome (insulin think they're all the same or interrelated??). On the other hand, just as I don't want to be overweight, I also don't want to be underweight. I hope all goes well with your upcoming surgery :)

on 2/13/16 1:23 am
VSG on 04/14/16

I am also concerned that the VSG won't be enough. Even though my hypothyroidism is controlled, it still makes it difficult to lose weight, and insulin resistance makes it hard as well. Hopefully losing weight will eliminate the insulin resistance and it will no longer be an issue. I do however respect their reasoning and knowing that I have a greater potential to have a clotting issue after surgery makes me even more cautious. If for some reason the sleeve isn't enough in the future I may consider going back to add the DS. Also my husband and I plan on having more kids and I don't want to risk any future babies not being healthy because I am not vigilant enough on vitamins or lab work with the DS. So for now the VSG is my best option and even though I would like the DS cause it offers a safety net type feeling, I fully intend to do my best to make the sleeve work to the best of my ability. Wishing you the best with your decision.

on 2/13/16 6:08 am

Thank you. I have a feeling you'll do just fine :)

on 2/14/16 4:13 pm

If you feel strongly that you need malabsorbtion to lose the weight and keep it off, have the DS.  Don't settle for less.

And if your doc does NOT do the the DS, of course he/she is going to tell you to have the procedure they do.  And the Toyota dealer will not tell you about the great Nissan's either.  Always follow the money.


on 2/14/16 6:07 pm
VSG on 04/14/16

At Mexicali Bariatrics they offer the DS, its done by Dr. Esquerra, he was trained by Dr. Ungson and he is listed on dsfacts. I wanted to be sure I found a Doctor that offered all the surgeries so they wouldn't try to dissuade me from the DS just because they didn't offer it.  I'm not 100% sure I will need malabsorbtion, just feel lit adds an extra layer of protection from regain. My biggest cheerleader,my husband, is more comfortable with me having the sleeve and thinks I can make it work. Also I don't have insurance and if I did experience a major complication when I returned back home it could financially ruin us. The complication rate for the sleeve is a little less since intestines aren't being messed with. I agree with the Doctors rationale for not getting the DS right now, and if I can't maintain the weight loss then when I do have insurance I would go get the DS part added.

on 2/17/16 5:42 pm

Having the 2nd part of the DS done after the VSG, doesn't generally give as good as results as having the DS done initially.  Generally, with the VSG, you will be on a diet for the rest of your life.  With the DS, there's more of a leeway with the malabsorbtion.   I know that I wouldn't have been able to stay the same weight with just the VSG. 

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda

H.A.L.A B.
on 2/18/16 5:15 am

Hi. I had RNY 8 years ago.   I started with insulin resistance and I still have it. What helps me is a low carb diet, moderate proteins and more fat.  That plus relatively gentle exercise... Walking, yoga, weight lifting... Some moderate cardio... 

With VSG as a tool - if you follow the WLS post op diet - proteins +fats + some carbs - and lose weight - that together should help the insulin resistance... But if you go back on high carb diet a few years later - be prepared for that to come back in a full force... Even worse than before WLS... 

Good luck.. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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