Don't pull my finger! What works best for gas?

on 1/5/16 3:37 pm
DS on 12/10/15

I get that most gas is diet based, but, still, what have you tried (and what were the results)?


Probiotocs (if so, which)?

Greek yogurt?


Charcoal underwear?


Sleeve to DS revision by Dr. Gary Belzberg. Highest Weight (pre-sleeve): 325 (40.6 BMI) DS Revision Surgery Weight: 295 (36.7 BMI) Current Weight: 235 (29.5 BMI) 6'3"

on 1/5/16 5:05 pm

I guess I can't be much help, I embrace the gas in all its glory...believe it or not, I feel farting is a lovely privilege because sometimes I can't get it out without the help of some gas-x ;)

HW: 291 --- SW (3/10/15): 264 --- CW (12/31/15) 153


on 1/5/16 6:00 pm
DS on 12/10/15

Let me clarify.  I'm pro-farting.  I consider it the poor man's ******  What I meant was what works to deodorize it a bit?

Sleeve to DS revision by Dr. Gary Belzberg. Highest Weight (pre-sleeve): 325 (40.6 BMI) DS Revision Surgery Weight: 295 (36.7 BMI) Current Weight: 235 (29.5 BMI) 6'3"

on 1/8/16 5:39 am

Marq, that is funny Pro-farting, I had a chuckle.


Yes I take a 365 wholefood Probiotic, daily at night, and Mag Citrate....but, really what helps me is knowing what triggers my gas.  Just Sunday on the plane, I almost Died with a major gas attack.  The plane was having turbulence, and they did not turn off that light to go to the bathroom soon enough...just sitting there with all that agony....PURE gas..just terrible.  It was those freaking Cheetos that did it. Its amazing how much your stomach can blow up with ONLY gas....crazy. 

I been trying to find the perfect thing for orderizer for years.  I'm thinking investing in Miracle Seat....I PRAY that will help me...I have been so curious, but what an expensive toilet seat.  

SW / CW / GW 292 / 188 / 174 - Height 5'7, Size 10

on 1/6/16 2:31 am - VA

A really powerful probiotic works best for me and I think I've tried everything at least once in the past 8 years. I get a prescription strength probiotic called VSL#3 DS. I only need 1/2 a teaspoon in the AM and PM but that is a very individual thing. VSL#3 also comes in an over-the-counter capsule. The pharmacist keeps them refrigerated and you have to ask. If I'm using the capsules, I need from 2 to 3 capsules twice a day to work on my system.  


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 1/7/16 4:07 pm



Does that also help with other digestive issues (loose and smelly stools, frequency and urgency to go) or just gas? I am looking for something. Between 12 months and 18 months my digestive system has become really screwed up. I get I am eating different, trying new things and that is part of it but sometimes I stick to only my good old standby foods and it is still screwy.....and overwhelming! I wont even stay the night with let alone go out of town with my new BF because of it. 


DS on June 13, 2014 with Ara Keshishian



on 1/8/16 2:04 am - VA

VSL#3 DS has helped in all departments, I'm sold. If you think you have bacteria overgrowth, you might try to see your doc for a round of Flagyl but then follow it with VSL#3. I started with VSL#3 capsules at first until I could get a prescription for the powdered packets and it took almost a month for by system to get used to it. Other folks go on VSL#3 and are immediately much, much better. One of those "your mileage may vary" things. You will have to play with the doses to hit your sweet spot, so be patient.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 1/8/16 4:10 pm


Thanks so much. I see my surgeon for my 18 month follow up in a week or so, I am going to ask him about it. If not, I will deal with my regular GP in town.




DS on June 13, 2014 with Ara Keshishian



on 1/9/16 3:32 am, edited 1/8/16 7:34 pm - VA

Be prepared to fight as always when dealing with medicals. I had to deal with my surgeon's fellow and he didn't want to give me a prescription because it wasn't on the usual protocol. I pushed for a trial prescription of 30 days with a follow-up appointment to report on the results. When I went back, I got my surgeon's partner and he had no problem extending the prescription. Go figure. Just go in determined and educated.  

5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 1/8/16 5:33 am
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