Checking In

David M.
on 12/1/15 2:06 pm - Germantown, OH



Had my DS 7/31/06 and was very active on here for a few years....Then got busy. Just checking in to see if I am missing anything.


Also, could use some advice on Vitamin D...chronic low levels despite 50,000 u a day supplementation.


Anyone know any other way to obtain higher levels??


Trying liquid now....


David M.
on 12/1/15 3:48 pm

I take 3 50,000 iui dry vitamin d3 a day. 

on 12/2/15 5:50 am - Parma, OH
DS on 04/15/13

Welcome back. I take 2 of those a day.

Before raising your dose you might want to try taking it away from food and away from other vits. These are usually my first go to actions with troublesome vits. I try and take mine away from food but I don't take it away from other vits.

I know some people have had good results with patches or injections but injections seem to be hit ot miss depending on your local Docs and patches get pretty different results from person to person.



Valerie G.
on 12/2/15 8:02 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Hi David, long time-no see~!

I know of some who are taking 150k iu/day to keep their levels up.  Another breakthrough in the last year is vitamin patches.  You may do better absorbing transdermally and skipping digestion all together.  I've been using them for a while now and will be getting bloodwork done in January to see how they are doing for me.  Theoretically, with transdermal absorption, we shouldn't need any crazy amounts of excess. is where I'm getting mine, and if you use the coupon code of OH-GREATFUL, you will get 40% off.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

David M.
on 12/2/15 10:25 am - Germantown, OH

Hi Val !!! So glad to see you on here !! And thank you for the info,I will check it out for sure. 

Having issues with candidiasis in blind loop. I am going to go back on flagyl or try rifaxim round. Trying to find a way to get the probiotics in that blind loop !!! The only thing I can come up with is a j-tube and go directly in through that.... Which prob isn't going to happen.

I'm still glad I did this surgery!  I originally was 378 went to 165 and now reside at 208 and stay within 5pounds of that.

but have not been in or even lurked for awhile so thought it would be good to check in and see if I need to adjust etc... And maybe help encourage any newbee's or people considering surgery.



David M.
on 12/3/15 11:02 pm

David,   I had a yeast issue and this worked for me..Try an herb called Lomatium, is available in a tincture. It works systemically and you would not need a "procedure." It is most effective to hold the dose under the tongue.To minimize the effect of alcohol, which I don't tolerate, I put 2 and 1/2 cc in 10 cc warm water, stirred it well, let it sit for 10 min. then used it sublingual. Holding for 90-120 seconds..then swallow. and find something to cleanse the taste buds. It tastes nasty, but it did work, within  a few hours I was better..and I took it for 10 days twice a day. If you are from the south and know what "Rabbit Tobacco" is, it will help with re-balancing the probiotics and enzymes..must have accurate use instructions, to avoid unpleasant cramping.. I have them if you want them.

David M.
on 12/3/15 11:05 pm - Germantown, OH

Thank you for that info ! I will stop by the health food store tomorrow and give it a try


David M.
on 12/4/15 8:54 am

David, you may have to get it mail order from an herbalist., My health food store doesn't carry it..... I used a lady, with site. put in search bar,." from the forest/Darcy", it will pull up.. She has sold the business,to a younger herbalist couple, but she has a link. The Lomatium is about 12$/4oz a bottle and their shipping is done promptly. That will give 30 days supply.

David M.
on 12/4/15 11:15 am - Germantown, OH

thanks for the info. I have studied a bit on herbals etc but had not heard of that one. I have a co worker and she and I are going to be making tincures together. I will try and find the dry version and make a tincture.....but will start with the  Forest lady first  :)


David M.
on 12/4/15 12:51 pm

There is a very strong patented form  extract made by Barlow herbals,LDM, they give good service..It is pricy, but not when you figure by the dose...about a dollar a dose/45 gtts.(less than a cc.). Lomatium is very strong antiviral, antifungal, anti yeast, and has microcidal properties, Just do your own legwork.Mountain Rose herbs? may have the natural form. I have not checked.

    I just found it this past year, and it and oil of oregano and peppermint oil with the Rabbit Tobacco serve my needs(intestinal both diarrhea and consstipation, bronchitis residual) well. so all I have to take is vitamins, minerals and what ever form of iron I am using for the day..I don't have as many side effects from naturals.

   I don't remember if I told you. I had an open WLS,(Think..early.RNy, with shortened small and large intestine, Gb and appendix removed, banding above and below pouch.).. 20 yrs there is not many issues I haven't encountered.What I didn't have My Mom did, and I helped her a broad base...

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