I had an awesome Thanksgiving...

Brandy G.
on 11/29/15 2:31 pm
DS on 08/20/14

Now THIS is something to be thankful for.


I'm 1.5 years out and having no real problems to speak of.  Not just no real problems, but I cooked the old traditional family thanksgiving and ate everything without experiencing any gastric distress.  I'm maybe 15 lbs above goal, but I'm not actively dieting now, although I have an appointment with a personal trainer and I'm going to start to learn how to lift weights tomorrow.  My biggest physical problem is that I'm still cold all the time, but I will take that over being double my current weight! 


I remember before and after my surgery feeling like I would never be able to eat or enjoy food again, and it turned out not to be true at all.  I can eat anything now (bread, donuts, stuffing, candy, chocolate, cake, fruit, ... anything except mango lassi's).  I haven't really noticed that I need to limit anything yet, but I also don't go crazy and eat three donuts at a time.  Generally just one, and generally that takes me two sittings to fini****   I still lose between half a pound to 2 pounds a week. 


My heart goes out to the people that are struggling with their surgery or maybe even just struggling with the decision to have the surgery or not.  I know I'm lucky to be so bullet proof.  I feel bad posting such a positive message when I know it isn't true for many.   I have had a few bumps in the road and had to just keep trying different things, like the latest was figuring out that heavy cream in my coffee makes me feel sick to my tummy, although I can do half and half or later in the day I can do cream again.   But I'm just feeling so thankful for my surgery and my new life that I had to post something!!!! 




August 2014 - DS @ Mexicali Bariatric Center / Ungson.
It took me one and a half years to lose 165 pounds.
Weight: High=314, Goal=155, Current=131

on 11/30/15 12:18 am - Bellingham, WA

I am only 2 months out but I can assure you, I enjoyed Thanksgiving but in moderation. I had a dinner roll. I ate a couple of bites of stuffing. I even had a bite (literally, just one) of pumpkin pie and nothing bothered me at all. I was worried that I would feel all deprived on Thanksgiving but it wasn't that way at all. I am loving my DS... and I was especially thankful that it hasn't given me any problems to speak of thus far.  :) 



Brandy G.
on 11/30/15 2:05 pm
DS on 08/20/14



It is easy to forget that people generally post only when they have problems, so these boards can make the whole experience seem rather fraught with issues when that (knock on wood) hasn't been my experience at all. 


May you continue to have an easy ride...



August 2014 - DS @ Mexicali Bariatric Center / Ungson.
It took me one and a half years to lose 165 pounds.
Weight: High=314, Goal=155, Current=131

(deactivated member)
on 11/30/15 7:50 pm

Congratulations on your success and absolutely no reason to apologize for a positive message.

I also feel cold ALL the time and wasn't sure if that was just me adjusting to the reduced insulation as the weight fell off.

I also wanted to ask why it takes 2 sittings to eat a donut 18 months out. I figured it was no problem from about 6 months onward. Just curious.

Brandy G.
on 12/1/15 3:22 pm
DS on 08/20/14

why it takes 2 sittings to eat a donut 18 months out


I get bored. 


At first, it is all "YUM, AWESOME, OH JOY!!!  LIFE IS GOOD!!!"


and then it becomes about chewing and not wasting food and not wanting to leave a mess and the joy is gone.  I guess the I've already had my donut hunger satisfied.


But if I wait a few hours, the joy comes back. 


August 2014 - DS @ Mexicali Bariatric Center / Ungson.
It took me one and a half years to lose 165 pounds.
Weight: High=314, Goal=155, Current=131

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