Deficient Labs Results

on 11/6/15 9:01 pm

B6 16.5

Zinc 526

A .30

E 3.6

D3 18.8

PTH 56

Prealbumin 16

Protein 6.2 (Eat more protein)

What recommendations would any of you make for correcting the deficiencies? 


stacy T.
on 11/6/15 10:21 pm - San Francisco, CA

My first, last, and best recommendation for correcting these numbers would be to consult with your Internist or GP or Surgeon about them and have HIM/HER help you with the supplements. And if you feel you can't rely on this person then you need a new doctor. You will be dealing with this for the rest of your life and you should not be relying on your own knowledge and the information you get here to make these decisions. It is very important that you be knowledgeable about this yourself, so you can be an informed patient, and it is great to come here for help and advice and support, but this is something you should be managing with your doctor, on an ongoing basis.

Your fat soluble elements are low, which is not unusual. Given these numbers I would suggest you ask to have your K level checked also. It's prolly low as well.

Your parathyroid level is high which might indicate your D and calcium levels are low, which is supported by the D numbers.

The zinc looks high.

Eat more;

Sushi: It's the best most digestible, lean protein.

Steak Tartare is your friend: again, raw beef and egg are easier to digest than cooked protein.

If you don't care for raw then cultivate a taste for VERY rare meats.

Eggs are good easy protein as well. Boiled, poached or scrambled are all low fat.


How far out from your surgery are you?

on 11/7/15 12:44 pm

To make recommendations we need
1) Lab ranges from the test facility.
2) What brand and amount of vitamins you are currently taking.

Honestly a low B6 is NOT a want that one low.

Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 11/7/15 6:29 pm - Parma, OH
DS on 04/15/13

While it is important to be tracking with your Doctor it is equally as importatn that you know what works for other people and uou have your own knowledge to compare to your Doctors advice.

While I can't tell much without the levels I know vitamin D well enough to know that is too low.  Between my surgeon and my nutritionist the first 6 months post-op I mucked around raising my D intake by 10 to 20 k only so see my numbers go down.  I stabilized at 50k ry biotech a day and actually made some progress up into the 40's at 100k a day. I would recommend starting with the 50k a day and depending on your next labs going up from there.

Any DS'r that relies solely on their Doc for vitamin information is asking for trouble. You at least have to be able to talk to them knowledgeably about types and dosages for vitamins.

I'm not sure how far out you are. DO you have older tests to see trends for these?

I would also advocate starting biotech 10k a day vitamin A and adding a protein shake if you have trouble getting in more meat type protein.


Valerie G.
on 11/9/15 6:19 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Make sure your A, D and E are all taken in DRY form (not oil capsules - powder in capsules) water soluble.  My dosage for A is 25,000 iu per day, and D at 50,000 iu per day.  I doubled them when I was low.

If you're not taking any copper, try adding it to help you absorb zinc.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 11/16/15 10:28 pm

You need complete labs...with the ranges for your lab sees as normal.

You do not give enough info. How far post op?What have you been taking regularly? and when? 

I also Keyed in on the D levels..You may want to consider both the dry and a D2, either alternating by week or daily. You also need magnesium calcium and zinc levels. These need to be taken at night for best absorbtion...according to my physician.

You need to follow your Surgeons advise, and get his input on the changes, He at least give you a starting place. Make sure you take every suppliment, exactly as prescribed. Then you will know, or at least have a clue, what to do to increase levels with next set of labs.

  Labs should be checked again in 3-6 months minimum, since you have so many things "off".

If you do not get your labs straight , You Will loose teeth and bone. This is nothing to play with.

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