Just an update and saying hello to friends

on 10/25/15 5:25 am
DS on 03/10/14

Well first of all many of you vets have been helping me my first 18 months out of surgery. Thanks to each and every one of you guys. I weighed 487 at highest and now 210 and fine with that. So over the last 18 months I have had numerous other surgeries. Giant kidney stones embedded in each kidney finally all gone. Gallbladder removed perforated gangrene appendix rupture that almost took my life and definitely will give me on going pain struggles the rest of my life. Then my major problem of fissures and hemerroid surgery that didn't go my way. Long story short after 3 surgeons none of them my WLS and appointments for over a year I was finally put under by Colon Rectal Surgeon and what do u know I had a major peri anal fistula that was under the previous surgery scar where I told them I was in agonizing pain all year. Now I have a seton drain basically a string loop to keep the fistula draining. Still could have chrohns they jusBt did my upper GI Friday after me requesting it all year. I'm living in almost constant pain. But that's not my point to you guys. So far no surgeon has definitely linked any of this to the DS. unfortunately for me their medical assuming didn't get me fixed.

Basically I'm just saying we have to fight to keep alive with these surgeries because I'm living proof that doctors all think they know what's wrong with you do to educated guesses and passed experiences with other patients. If they would have knocked me out 8 months ago I would only be dealing with an abcess. That's bad enough . However these type of fistulas never seem to heal from all my research. They just keep reopening them and more setons and more loss of fecal incontinence atthat I'm already dealing with now. My weight loss surgeon is very recommended here in my area..... For other surgeries. We will meet up one more time just so I can explain that there is a reason you need to be a Vetted DS surgeon. Not just a great surgeon wanting to try new things. The reason I'm going to tell him isn't for me. I asked him for this surgery and even believe he did a perfect job. Except that there was 0 real help afterwards. When I got my fissure he repaired it himself. Again surgery went well. But at my 2 week check up for a fairly serious surgery, he just asked me a few questions never looked at his incision, smiled and sent me home in pain. I called in, told him about it at appointments and he just smiled and told me to go see a colon rectal surgeon he should be able to fix me up and how great I looked so thin. It took me many surgeons LOTS of educating myself to even get one to go beyond a finger exam because I would scream in pain. I literally had to go to Baylor hospital and get a surgeon in charge, thank god for Dr Arnold, who insisted to his colleagues that my pains were very real and not just do to my DS. I have filed disability here in Texas now. We will see how that goes. I look nice, unfortunately that's a nice cover on a ruined book.

Thank u guys for listening u are always the best friends I will probably never meet. Pete gas always inspired me, Gina keeps me informed on great foods, and Larra and others here have saved my life literally by questioning what the doctors where really doing for me. I'm also seeing a therapist now seems to be helpful but I want others to know that I write once every few months but read daily. I owe it to anyone going through any colon rectal issues to help if I can. Just like Pete always has for me.

Sorry this was long but it's been a hell of a year. Hopefully one day I will get more enjoyment out of my DS. If I ever get these other issues worked out. Cloths are definitely MUCH cheaper I love that part. Anyway u guys have a great Sunday and just remember one reply can literally keep someone alive. These Doctors move us through like cattle and its up to us as a group to at least help each other!

on 10/25/15 8:00 am
DS on 11/19/14

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry you have had to go through so much! I hope things get better for you and I will definitely keep you in my prayers.



on 10/25/15 10:18 am - bay area, CA

Mike, I'm so sorry you have been through so much! I hope the upper GI provides more answers, though I also hope you don't have Crohn's. It's a nasty disease.

You're a great example of how important it is for us to educate ourselves, advocate for ourselves, and to understand that just because we've had bariatric surgery that doesn't mean that every problem we develop later is caused by, or a side effect, of that bariatric surgery. We can, and do, get the same medical problems as anyone else, in addition to whatever problems our surgery might cause. Our doctors need to do the same testing they would for anyone else and not just chalk things up to the surgery.

I hope, with the fistula now being treated, you will heal and feel better and be more able to enjoy your thinner life.


on 10/25/15 5:23 pm - Warner Robins, GA

Hey there

Thanks for taking the time to share your medical issues. You are one tough dude. Keep up your spirits, never give up, and always fight for what you believe will help you. You are living proof that we must advocate for ourselves.




Noreen  HW 352 / SW 324 / CW 175/ LW/ 148 / GW 150   (achieved Aug 14 '11)



Zee Starrlite
on 10/26/15 8:27 am

I wish you well Mike! I have this feeling that you will heal completely and actually have a chance to enjoy your life. Sorry about all the horrible medical difficulties you have experienced. You are a trooper. Never give up, never give in!

All Best,


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 10/26/15 5:42 pm - Parma, OH
DS on 04/15/13


Glad to hear you are keeping up the fight. I really admire you for that, so easy to let time go by and stop searching for the real cause when people don't really believe you or are looking in the wrong places. It is a good to be reminded again and again that a lot of stuff happens and even though Docs first thought is it is the DS that just isn't always correct. And actually, the further out you get the less likely it is related.

I hope the seton helps the fistula heal up, I knew that was an option for my fistula depending on what they saw when they cut it open. . Maybe now that the scar tissue is cut and it is open you may get some actual relief. I still can't believe how close you came with your appendix but along with everyone else I'm hoping you get to the point where you can enjoy more of the benefits of your DS.

I hate to hear how your surgeon followed up on your fissure. Even the surgeon who did the initial drainage on my abscess followed up in more detail than that. Still left me with a fistula but I at least felt she was on top of it and told me right away when I needed to go to a CRS instead of her. I was pretty lucky in my choices. It's not like most of us know any colo-rectal surgeons or how to pick one.

Keep us in the loop and I hope to hear some good news on the next update.


on 10/27/15 5:55 am
DS on 03/10/14

Thanks everyone! I'm really hoping I start to heal as well. Thank you all for being such great support!!!

* Nicole *
on 10/27/15 12:23 pm


Stay strong and good for you for being a thorn in their sides. I hope for some good healing so you can enjoy your DS. Im partially shocked the galbladder and appendix were not removed during your ds as thoes tend to either be bad before surgery anyway or go bad shortly after.

As for the fistula, Im hoping for you that yours heals. My father has had one for 15 years now from multiple abdominal sugeries and a liver abscess (wasnt from WLS). The excessive keloid scar tissue is a major culprit as its so hard to "see" through to find the issue and cut through to resolve especially if not big. My dads abdominal cavity is referred to as a brick wall, his scarring is that bad. So I feel for you and the issues that go with it.

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."

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