got what
He guys, just wanted say after struggling to get approval for DS I finally got the call today from ND BCBC in Fargo. I am approved...I wanted to thank you all for giving me the courage and guidance to keep pushing and searching for a doctor who listens. Throughout this journey I recieved advice, support and counsel to keep pushing. Now I'm approved. I am coming here seeking advise on what I should be preparing to to now. Based on the discussions I've read is important to get a bone density test along with a stress test prior to surgery that way I can track my bone density after the surgery. I want to know what additional tests should I request from the Methodist physician clinic/ Dr daniel Cronk's office?
congratulations!. that question is subjective depending on many factors, you dont need a stress test (unless your EKG is abnormal etc for preop clearance) bone density won't hurt, and if you are ostepenic it will be good to know. I would get all my blood work, to have my baseline and to increase your Vit D and mg and ca weeks before surgery if necessary
If you have a specific question for me, PM me or I will not see it, as I don't check responses on the forums and don't have anything forwarded to my email.
The bone density (dexascan?) is probably the only thing you would need to ask about specifically. I think most Docs would not dot do that unless they see some other indicators that it is necessary.
I agree with Airbender that your regular pre-op blood tests will give you some areas to work on pre-op where you won't be fighting malabsorption to get your levels up.
Even before the test I would add a good multivitamin and 5k a day for vitamin D. Most people are chronically low on D so it won't hurt.
Also, in the weeks before your liquid diet you may want to add extra protein to your diet. It helps with the healing process post-op (for any surgery).