Help, my cousin is dying!
My cousin/best friend and I had our surgeries a week apart five and a half years ago with Dr. Christian Oakley in Boise, Id. My cousin has struggled from day one. First, there were healing problems and infection, then slow weight loss and now severe malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies. She holds a lot of blame for where she is at because life cir****tances prevented her from being able to stay up on her supplements. That being said, she finally realized the severity of her condition a few months ago. Her first response was to visit Dr. Oakley, who proceeded to belittle and chastise her, saying there was nothing he could do for her until her social cir****tances changed! She has tried so many doctors since. Finally, with the help of my sister (who is an 8.5 year DS vst, vitamin nazi, and research guru), they were able to find a doctor that wants to help save her life. The problem is, he is only a GP. She vomits everytime she eats because her stomach is rejecting the food (a side effect of severe malnutrition). She cannot undergo TN because of the extent of liver damage she has. She just went to a G I specialist yesterday and was told that her stomach can in no way support a feeding tube. Basically, her only option at this point is an intestinal revision so she can absorb what little she can eat. Her protein level is at 38. We have been told if it hits 36, it will be irriversible. We have also been told that if she doesn't get help very soon, she has less than two months before she will die. She has no insurance at this moment, though it will be effective in a couple of weeks. She cannot go back to Dr. Oakley for revision and there are no other skilled DS surgeons near us. She also has a history of MRS (6-10 outbreaks in the last year). She always struggles to heal after surgical procedures, so will almost defiantly have trouble this time to. We don't know what to do. She is only 32 years old and has three children that need her. We aren't ready to give her up yet, but don't know what to do. If you have any thoughts or suggestions please share them with me. Please don't lecture about the importance of vitamins, we are well aware of that and honestly can't handle it right now. Prayers are greatly welcome. Her name is Sarah.
Sarah does not seem to have much hope.
There is a reason why Dr. Oakley chastised her and does not want to treat her. Do her social conditions involve living in filth, taking crystal meth and/or crack cocaine? Is she living with children and putting them at risk when she has six to ten outbreaks of MRSA in one year? Is HIV involved? What exactly are her social conditions?
There are a lot of things in this post that do not tell the true story.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
She does NOT do drugs, does NOT have HIV. She is a great mother and works hard to help her loving husband support her family. White Dove, what I was referring to as her "social situation" along with what Dr. Oakley referee to, is that she is poor. She has been unable to financially afford insurance and all of the supplements that she needs to be taking. As a loving mother and wife, she has always put her families needs and wants above her own and this has led her here. I do not appreciate how you automatically think that she is a horrible person just because Dr. Oakley, who is a holier than now pompous a** refuses to help her. We wouldn't have even used him for our surgeries if we had had more options with our insurance. I did not post this so she would be negatively judged. I posted seeking opinions of things that might help her so that she can continue to be an amazing mom to her kids. Thank you to those of you that have responded for this purpose. I greatly appreciate you support and ideas.
Also, the MRSA outbreaks occur when she has open wounds. She, along with many other people I know, has the nervous habit of picking at scabs. Although she has tried very hard to stop this and is much more aware now, she does still have it happen. As soon as she notices the first sign of an infection, she immediately begins high dose antibiotic treatment. She does NOT put her children at risk with her infections. She is very careful. Until she had to stop working because of her condition, she worked as a licensed social worker. Unfortunately, with only a bachelor level degree, it is still not a good paying field.
Nobody assumed she was a bad person. We are trying to understand her specific cir****tances to help. Is she eligible for any kind of public assistance ?
She does NOT do drugs, does NOT have HIV. She is a great mother and works hard to help her loving husband support her family. White Dove, what I was referring to as her "social situation" along with what Dr. Oakley referee to, is that she is poor. She has been unable to financially afford insurance and all of the supplements that she needs to be taking. As a loving mother and wife, she has always put her families needs and wants above her own and this has led her here. I do not appreciate how you automatically think that she is a horrible person just because Dr. Oakley, who is a holier than now pompous a** refuses to help her. We wouldn't have even used him for our surgeries if we had had more options with our insurance. I did not post this so she would be negatively judged. I posted seeking opinions of things that might help her so that she can continue to be an amazing mom to her kids. Thank you to those of you that have responded for this purpose. I greatly appreciate you support and ideas.
did I see you post on another forum that she has not been eating?
She currently vomits up almost everything she eats due to her stomach rejecting it. I believe she played a huge part in getting to where she is and am not taking the blame away from her. I honestly believe she developed an eating disorder following her surgery because she was so afraid of be I no fat again. I have no proof of this.