I was wondering if anyone has any tips for becoming regular in the bathroom?? I return to work (teaching elementary) in the fall and I'm 6 months out. Obviously I can't leave my students to potty so I've got to become regular this summer!! Any advise/tips would be appreciated. I've got time to try several things. Thanks so much! :)
I was struggling with this for over a year and finally...FINALLY my bowels are semi-normal. I have been going once a day and they are almost solid. They range from very thick pudding to solid now. previously I was taking only 50mg of iron because I believed that would be plenty for me but recently I posted on here and several people posted the amounts of iron they are taking. I increased my iron to 310mg per day of elemental and WOW has it changed my bowel habits. I have been hemorrhoid free for about five days now. I take 155mg around noon and 155mg at night before bed. I hope it stays this way. I am starting to feel semi-normal. I also take four probiotics a day and three Imodium. I was taking four Imodium but I have decided to slowly decrease the Imodium until I do not take any just to see if I can go without now that my iron dosage has been increased. Maybe Iron will help you too.
My problems is that I hate to go to the bathroom at work. I have panic attacks at the thought of it. What works for me 98% of the time is to get up early, drink coffee (my natural enema...although water and lemon work well too) and give myself 30-45 minutes of toilet time. I make sure that I am empty. I multi-task so that the time is not wasted. Balance my checkbook, write my shopping list. It's so crazy but it works for me. I think my body is trained to just go in the morning now. The morning is the only time that it's more urgent. The rest of the day if I have to go again I have time to wait until I can drive some where to go on my lunch or break.
Yup, calcium and iron did the trick for me too. Most days I only go once a day and that's nearly always first thing in the morning.
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If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS