What probiotic are you using-and how much?
on 6/7/14 3:01 am
Having terrible gas problems-and I have an extremely sensitive stomach. I am very limited with my food choices-so many things make me sick to my stomach that I basically live on cream of wheat and yogurt, and various soups. I am looking for a probiotic that is small, and easy to swallow-and that will go down easily-are there any soft chewables that someone could recommend? I know I am a long time out of surgery-my DS was done about 6 years ago-and I have been plagued with numerous complications since. I am doing better now-and am looking to having a more normal life as far a eating. I am hoping that a good probiotic may allow me more food choices. Thanks all!
There's a thread here re probiotics and gas http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/ds/5255662/Finally-relief- for-gas/
I'd suspect that the cream of wheat isn't helping your gas issues one bit, so I'd try eliminating that and go back to Atkins basics. If you're getting bloated early in the morning before you've had any carby foods then it's probably time for a round of flagyl.
Please do be sure to get a good probiotic as I was only taking 4 billion a day and I got hellish thrush despite that. It took 2 bouts of antibiotics to get over the thrush as pessaries did nothing for me.
I hope you find relief soon.
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
on 6/7/14 7:01 am
Thanks so much for the info. I wish I could get any other foods down besides what I listed, but due to severe nausea and pain issues, I have trouble with most other foods I've tried. Cream of wheat is one of my main foods because I could get it down. I have a port in my neck to access a feeding tube when necessary (when my weight goes below 100 lbs)-right now I struggle daily to get enough calories in somehow with the limited food choices. At this point, I am just hoping to find a probiotic to allow me to add more foods to my diet so I can get my weight up. Thanks so much-I am going to check out that thread, and hopefully, can find something that works.