Migraines and vitamins
I have suffered from migraines since I was 7 years old. I've been on every RX prescription out there, and tried just about every preventative thing as well. Right now I get them only during my period, so about 3 days a month. I take 2 Excedrin Migraines, lay down with a cold washcloth on my head and a fan in my face and attempt to sleep it off. Stress gives me more migraines, as well as alcohol, smoke, and hot weather.
I recently read that Magnesium was good for helping migraines. I started taking 2 250mg tablets a day, 2 days ago. Does anyone else take this as well for this reason? I know we do not absorb everything the same, so I wasn't sure if the 500mg I am taking is nearly enough. Websites say it's a recommended dose of between 400-1200mg a day. Suggestions??
I've never had a migraine but I do take magnesium citrate to improve calcium absorption. I take 4g of calcium a day, in 8 batches 2 hours apart and magnesium should be done in a 2:1 ratio so I have 2g or 2,000mg of magnesium citrate a day. That is 500mg calcium and 250mg magnesium citrate per batch.
BTW have you thought about stopping having periods? I got the mirena coil and no longer have periods.
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If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
Maximize the magnesium citrate and see if it helps as Huneypie says. I take a magnesium citrate with every calcium dose too and I take 6 calcium doses a day.
5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny
I also have the Mirena IUD, and my migraines did decrease from about 10 a month down to 3 or so. I still get my periods, just only about 2 days a month. I always get my migraines during those days without fail. I've only been taking 500mg of Magnesium a day, but wasn't sure how high I should take it since I wasn't aware at what point we stop absorbing that specific vite.
I, too, have suffered from migraines since childhood. Took seizure meds for yrs to control. Unfortunately mine aren't hormonal. They continued even sfter menopause. I had DS at age 67. My headaches got much worse despite meds. PCP sent me to Sweedish neuro institute, Dr. Anna Wong. She took me off meds and has me take: 400 mg B2, 400 mg chelated magnesium, 2 petadolix (butterbur), & 200 C0Q10. I also take a b complex. This is in addition to all of the ds vitamins. Headaches are gone. Now i get Auras sometimes (which i never did before) but no more pain; no more Depakote or neurontin or tegretol (i also have trigeminal neuragia & neuropathy). NADA. I upped my b2 to 600-800 in split doses (with her knowledge). It has been remarkable for me. I'm no longet drugged all of the time. I'm soon to be 69.