Absorption of an egg, for example...
you didn't respond to my previous post,so are you eating a lot of carbs? Carbs we absorb 100%. Plus everybody's body has to hold water up to 4 # when we eat carbs. The body has to hold the water to process the carbs eaten and it can take up to a week to release it.
The onlpy thing I can think. Is that maybe you are eating a lotof carbs and that is causing the fluctuation,from water retention,and no loss?
on 4/22/14 12:05 pm
I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I've only had my DS, but I know from before my ds that nothing I did was right. I was terrified I wouldn't even lose after the DS. I had been gaining (fast) eating 800-1200 calories a day and swimming an hour each day (plus biking/running after kids etc. I was a low carb eater. I pushed myself down to 500 calories a day and was gaining, I went to a dietician who said I needed to re-set my body and eat 3.5k to 'maintain' my body weight, but I gained 50lb in 3 months.
Nothing that was happening made sense, and yes I kept track of everything I put in my mouth. I have been losing weight with the DS and I hope I never ever get back to that place.
If you were maintaining your weight gain I wouldn't try to change any of your habits, especially if nothing is working. Otherwise, look very closely at what you are eating, consult many dieticians, and stick with something (low carb, high protein has always worked best for me; it was the only one that ever let me maintain again - got down to 280 and didn't change until I tried to lose again).
Sorry if none of this was helpful (or even hurtful) but I know how it feels dealing with this stuff.
Im so lost.

5" 7' - HW: 328 Current: I stay around 155 :)
"...Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing."
on 4/22/14 2:53 pm
Generally speaking i'm all for posting all to the forums to help out others who're dealing with the same things but I'm going to PM you after this post.
Common sense says not to ever get to anorexia or bulimia but I spent about 12 years dealing with both and I can safely say it never helped me keep my weight low.
My mother in law had been an anorexic and when she started eating properly again never gained weight, but different people seem to respond differently to the disorders and my last dietician said that doctors really do not fully understand diets/metabolism/weight loss surgeries etc yet. Not everyone fits into one box, and you have to hope you find the right box for you.
I would hazard a guess that if you chose healthy choices and portions, your body will settle on a new normal.
5" 7' - HW: 328 Current: I stay around 155 :)
"...Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing."
on 4/22/14 3:09 pm
Is your current weight (in tag) accurate? If so, then you are a long, long way from where you once were. I know it can be a very slippery slope, and the dread of ever ending up there again is insane.
I think if I were in your shoes, I would probably be so caught up in my fear I would forget to put everything in relation (especially with where I came from).
I would hope someone would help ground me and make me (somehow) relax and take a breath, and then have the strength to support me with where ever I end up.
All of that probably goes without saying and I'm really hoping that didn't sound condescending. I just don't know enough of your story. I may also be super jealous that you were able to (ever) eat junk food and not gain weight. I'm totally jealous.
I wish I was a normal person that can track their calories taken in and have them be accurate without all this constant uncertainty (from the malabsorption) and constant stomach issues. :/
5" 7' - HW: 328 Current: I stay around 155 :)
"...Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing."