what was your biggest hurdle as a newbie post-op?
Frequent toilet trips - things settle down a bit once you're a few weeks out. I used to have several visits in the AM and then I knew I was safe in the afternoon.
Now I only go once or twice a day.
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
Once I was home it was finding the right dose of pain medicine. It made me nauseous the first couple of days home till I cut back. The second thing was not realizing I came out of surgery lactose intolerant.
More long term it took me a long time to get used to drinking just a little at a time. I was so used to gulping it was a big change.
The nausea was much worse than I ever expected and it was harder for me to deal with than the pain sometimes.
The bigger issue for me - and it was a surprise because I never had problems with protein shakes in my life - but after surgery I have an extreme intolerance for protein shakes. They make me vomit - I have tried MANY types and flavors - and it is really starting to worry me because I know I need more protein. I am 11 weeks out and some days I still am not sure I made the right decision with this surgery. I am hoping this gets better with time!
Nausea & vomiting by far were my biggest hurdles. It was like being pregnant all over again! I couldn't even hardly look at food without getting sick. I am a year out today! (I just realized that this very moment lol) I had nausea and vomitting pretty regual for the first 6 months and moderately so even now. I guess I'm just weak stomached. Finally found protein that works for me though! Isopure RTD glass drinks and the fruity Isopure powder mixed with ice and water into a slushie. Good luck to you!