home after pannie and hernia repair- suggestions for back pain
I am home after having surgery on Tuesday for a hernia repair and panni. Was supposed to be a piece of cake but turned out to be pretty rough going, The good news is that they took off 11 lbs of fat~ so grateful to have to gone. I can actually tell I have legs! Woo Hoo!
The rougher part was the hernia. Instead of a 2 hr surgery it turned out to be almost 5. The Doctor said it was much larger than they anticipated .It was a long time to be under. My kidneys decided to shut down and my blood pressure shot up to 179/120 and my heart rate was 30. I had so many docs and nurses in my room within minutes it was unbelievable. I felt fine but they left no stone unturned and did every test in the book and then some. My body just does not like anethesia and heavy drugs. We don't mix well. All in all- I am doing great-just sore but glad to be home and over this hump.
Any suggestions for bad back pain? My back is killing me- more so than the front of me. I just can't find any relief. I know it will pass- just looking for something comfortable in the meantime.
Thanks for letting me rant!!

HW 372 SW 350 CW 185 GW 150 Lost 187 so far....
I'm glad you are checking in. I've been wondering about you. Watch that back pain. Here's what happened to me. On the 7th day after my DS I started having unbearable back pain. That night it was so bad. The next day I went to the ER and I had a partially collapsed lung from being in such a long surgery. They sent me home to use my incentive spirometer every hour and I did that and my lung filled back up with air and it was all over. So you may want to use your incentive spirometer more agressively just in case you are having this same problem.
I had a panni and hernia repair in early December. Surgery it self went fine. I had a malfunction while traveling and tried real hard to bleed out with a hematoma. Healing up from that then my Dr decided I am not healing fast enough, so was a taking another whack at it, cleaning out the wound and getting a wound vac.