8 months, still hard to eat protien without gagging???

HW 372 SW 350 CW 185 GW 150 Lost 187 so far....
Have you consulted Dr. Aceves about this? It's not at all normal. I was eating solid food the day I came home from the hospital. This is not your intestines, I don't think. It sounds more like it's between your mouth and stomach (which would make no difference between DS or VSG -it's the sleeve). You need someone to take a look at this. Is there a sleeve surgeon willing to talk to you?
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

HW 372 SW 350 CW 185 GW 150 Lost 187 so far....
Oh whew - you were scaring me.
Food lost it's luster for a good 6-9 months for me. The thought of it never sickened me, but nothing ever excited me. I would be looking forward to eating something, only to find that once it hit my lips, it wasn't nearly as satisfying as I was making it out to be. I went through what you might consider a mourning period, if you will. Hopefully you will reach a turning point soon.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
I would seek counsel of a dr and get a scope of your esophagus to your stomach, just to make sure there isnt any damage there. And forgive me with the terminology...scope, cat scan, whatever, to rule out any physical problems.
It sounds like you can drink protein shakes ok, but not eat food. You gotta rule out any physical issues you may have.
If everything comes back clean, you may have some psychological issues you will need to address through counseling.
I used to take a vitamin from the health food store, pre-DS, that made me gag every time I swallowed it. It got to the point, that I would start gagging as soon as I opened the bottle. It was the smell that bothered me. I currently take a C which is a tablet, and I gag a bit when I take it. I will switch to a capsule as soon as the bottle is gone. Have you tried different types of protein? Cottage cheese, ricotta fluff, babybel cheese, eggs, different meats. Or does this happen with all food?
Many people rely on shakes, but I think it is more of a choice for them, than a necessity. Get to a dr and get it addressed. You've suffered too long. Best wishes.

HW 372 SW 350 CW 185 GW 150 Lost 187 so far....
I have the same issues as you do, for 2 1/2 yrs since the beginning of my D.S. I prefer to drink protein fruit drinks, or protein shakes. I never was a picky eater, but now nothing looks appetizing. My stomach hurts with more than 2 sections of chicken wings. I have 120g protein a day. I had an EGD scoping to see if my reflux had caused damage. A barium swallow showed a hiatal hernia. I'm recovering from HH surgery now. They gave me 2 meds to keep me from throwing up all food. I get muscle spasms in the esophagus and stomach recovering from surgery with all food. I had this in the hospital the first day of my D.S. One med is Levisin 0.125 mg sublingual, the other Diazepam 2 mg tab. I'm not a Dr, you should take it up with your PCP. I know another D.S.er with similar issues as yours. It can be a mental issue necessitating counseling. Your PCP can direct you to a good talk therapist. 2 other of my meds happen to take away my desire for food, and cravings. Knowing this, I make sure to have enough protein in shakes, and as much solid food as I can. I was able to eat more before my Hiatal Hernia developed, causing abdominal pain. Snacking, with a few bites at a time helped me increase protein. I always have a shake with me, sipping all day, and cut up protein bars, nuts, protein jerkee. When I drive I have a few snacks. Sit down meals with my family just don't work for me. They watch how little I eat, but never say anything negative. I can eat more cold things like ice cream, with permission from my nutritionist. I need the calories and calcium. The ice cream freezes the uncomfortable stomach feelings. Warm tea also feels good. PM me if you have any questions. Hope you feel better, and can improve your nutrition.

HW 372 SW 350 CW 185 GW 150 Lost 187 so far....