6 months post revision #2
Checking in as I am just over 6 months post-op revision #2. I have lost 57 pounds to date. It's nice to be back in the 100's, and I pray I never see that #2 again. I just had labs drawn this a.m., and I am feeling well. The weight loss is a little slower than I had hoped, but hey, this is revision #2, so I can't really complain. My dexascan is not very good and I will be going to see an osteoporosis specialist, except that appt is not until the end of March. I am on the cancellation list, so I will see when I can get in.
I have fewer food intolerances and can eat anything I want for the most part. Of course, I stick to protein first and water and then go down the list from there. My previous "gotta have food" sensations and cravings are gone. What a blessing. I have less gas than I have ever had, even less than pre-op. I can't recommend Dr Rabkin enough. My intestinal measurements are FINALLY happy with each other and getting along.
Can't wait to see what the next few months brings, I am ready !
Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire 5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm
I am so very happy for you, Ginger. You work so hard and you deserve the best!
Keep me posted on the osteo issue. I hate to hear that the Forteo isn't continuing to work or didn't resolve everything like you thought it would.
5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish?
Join us on the Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny
Thanks Gina,
Yes the Dexascan concerns me A LOT ! There is family history of osteo, BUT, the endo I was going to is totally stumped with our malabsorption and so I will go into St Louis as soon as I can get in. I have a definite appt at the end of March.
I read a lot online over the past week and I am adding Manganese and also Triple Strength Glucosamine Chondroitin With Msm to add to my vits as I read they are all helpful for bone strength. I have a lot more body pains even though I am lighter and still quite active. The Osteo Clinic is specialized and I made it very clear about the DS and asked for a doc specific in our issues. I was told by the gal who called me back for the appt, that the doc they are putting me in with has a ton of experience, so it will be interesting. It's been 2 years since I had the Forteo for two years.
Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire 5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm
Checking in as I am just over 6 months post-op revision #2. I have lost 57 pounds to date. It's nice to be back in the 100's, and I pray I never see that #2 again. I just had labs drawn this a.m., and I am feeling well. The weight loss is a little slower than I had hoped, but hey, this is revision #2, so I can't really complain. My dexascan is not very good and I will be going to see an osteoporosis specialist, except that appt is not until the end of March. I am on the cancellation list, so I will see when I can get in.
I have fewer food intolerances and can eat anything I want for the most part. Of course, I stick to protein first and water and then go down the list from there. My previous "gotta have food" sensations and cravings are gone. What a blessing. I have less gas than I have ever had, even less than pre-op. I can't recommend Dr Rabkin enough. My intestinal measurements are FINALLY happy with each other and getting along.
Can't wait to see what the next few months brings, I am ready !
Congrats on your weight loss... I am new here so I hope you forgive me if I cut to to the chase an forgive me if I cross boundaries but you said that you have had 2 revisions and one initial/original weight loss surgery all being DS...Do you mind if I ask you why so many?
Hi Fatherof2,
You did NOT cross boundries. I try to post as I have time, but life is usually swamped here. I know it's unusual to have so many surgeries. My struggle with weight loss and the DS is so unusual ! My first WLS was with a non vetted doc. I lost well at first. I was lower than what I am now. I suddenly regained weight at about 16 months post-op. He told me it was my fault and his follow up was horrid and he was a distance from me as well. My labs were showing I was super absorbing so obviously something had changed. I underwent testing and doc #2 thought my bilio limb was too long and not the proper measurement and the shape of my stomach was incorrect. So that was revision #1. I only lost 20 pounds with that revision. I did not feel well overall. I had a ton of trouble eating. I asked doc #2 (now retired) what he thought was wrong. He did NO testing and told me it was my fault. I was like WTF. I eat protein first, get in my water take my vits, exercise, etc. He did no testing or imaging to see if anything was wrong. I was frustrated. I am only 5'2" with a family history of arthritis and was struggling with the extra weight.
After a lot of research and talking with insurance company I learned that since I met the requirements for WLS that they would pay for a 3rd revision. I was shocked, but determined. I decided it was time to go to the best in the country. Well one of the best vetted docs where I could use my insurance. That was Dr Rabkin. He found that my cc was too long, and reduced it to 80 cm, he found a large hiatal hernia which he repaired and said that is probably why I was having so much trouble eating properly. He also adjusted the bilio limb to match the rules for Dr Hess's method of the DS in proper lengths for my body. Dr Rabkin also found a fistula where my body was trying to correct itself from the DS configuration which he took down and repaired. I am praying I never develop another one. Dr R said he had never seen a fistula like mine in all of his years of practice.
My hope in sharing my unusual journey is that others be sure and go to a vetted DS doc. There is a list on www.dsfacts.com that is quite reliable. I know they are also in the process of updating it. I read that recently, so hopefully it will be updated. I could kick myself for not going to Dr Rabkin in the first place or Dr Keshishian. I live in Illinois now and so it was quite a trip, but well worth it. Do remember a revision loses the weight slower, which is frustrating, but I am determined to get it off. With the holidays ending I am planning on getting back to a pool on a regular basis. It's hard as it's a 45 minutes drive one way, but I have to figure out when I can go along with when they have lap swimming available. My entire story is in my blog if your interested. Pick your DS wisely and good luck on your journey and that it may very uneventful !
Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire 5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm
Hi Fatherof2,
You did NOT cross boundries. I try to post as I have time, but life is usually swamped here. I know it's unusual to have so many surgeries. My struggle with weight loss and the DS is so unusual ! My first WLS was with a non vetted doc. I lost well at first. I was lower than what I am now. I suddenly regained weight at about 16 months post-op. He told me it was my fault and his follow up was horrid and he was a distance from me as well. My labs were showing I was super absorbing so obviously something had changed. I underwent testing and doc #2 thought my bilio limb was too long and not the proper measurement and the shape of my stomach was incorrect. So that was revision #1. I only lost 20 pounds with that revision. I did not feel well overall. I had a ton of trouble eating. I asked doc #2 (now retired) what he thought was wrong. He did NO testing and told me it was my fault. I was like WTF. I eat protein first, get in my water take my vits, exercise, etc. He did no testing or imaging to see if anything was wrong. I was frustrated. I am only 5'2" with a family history of arthritis and was struggling with the extra weight.
After a lot of research and talking with insurance company I learned that since I met the requirements for WLS that they would pay for a 3rd revision. I was shocked, but determined. I decided it was time to go to the best in the country. Well one of the best vetted docs where I could use my insurance. That was Dr Rabkin. He found that my cc was too long, and reduced it to 80 cm, he found a large hiatal hernia which he repaired and said that is probably why I was having so much trouble eating properly. He also adjusted the bilio limb to match the rules for Dr Hess's method of the DS in proper lengths for my body. Dr Rabkin also found a fistula where my body was trying to correct itself from the DS configuration which he took down and repaired. I am praying I never develop another one. Dr R said he had never seen a fistula like mine in all of his years of practice.
My hope in sharing my unusual journey is that others be sure and go to a vetted DS doc. There is a list on www.dsfacts.com that is quite reliable. I know they are also in the process of updating it. I read that recently, so hopefully it will be updated. I could kick myself for not going to Dr Rabkin in the first place or Dr Keshishian. I live in Illinois now and so it was quite a trip, but well worth it. Do remember a revision loses the weight slower, which is frustrating, but I am determined to get it off. With the holidays ending I am planning on getting back to a pool on a regular basis. It's hard as it's a 45 minutes drive one way, but I have to figure out when I can go along with when they have lap swimming available. My entire story is in my blog if your interested. Pick your DS wisely and good luck on your journey and that it may very uneventful !
Ginger thanks for posting a little bit of your story. I am very much interested in reading your full story/blog! As I stated here I am new so I am not familiar where things are at or how to access them. Is it possible to link your blog? Or point me to where I can access it if against the TOS? You can PM if necessary?
You are a very brave woman... I am not sure if I could be so brave? I am looking into a revision with Dr. K I understand that he is one of the best. I currently have a RNY for about 13 years.
Btw how does one get a blog?
thank you once again for sharing your story!
Hi Robin,
First I am so sorry you have had such a tough road, but you sound tough too ! Keep up the fight ! It is so worth it. Who are you going to in NY ? Dr Roslin ? He is wonderful from what I hear as well, he has helped many with problems. My last 2 surgeries were open. I have a high pain tolerance over all, so I am not sure I am a good person to ask. I was sleeping flat again in about 4 or 5 days as I recall. When returning to the hotel I could sleep flat while I recovered. I have never had dumping issues with any of my surgeries. That tends to be more of an RNY thing. I only have gas if I eat white flour. My gas is actually less now with this last revision unless I eat white flour. Then it's look out. What's sort of ironic is even DH has noticed my gas has been much less since my last surgery. Now that is saying something. He said I do not stink hardly at all, just normal if he pops in the bathroom afterwards.
I think the hardest part for me yet is having my eyes catch up to the weight loss. And of course I have that fear that the weight will come back again, pretty normal I think after my journey. I am trying to get rid of those thoughts. All through the holidays I ate any food I wanted, maybe only a couple of bites, but I had everything including turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes (red ones are easier on me), green beans, salad, wheat rolls, cranberries, cherry or key lime pie. Bunch of dips, some chips and wheat crackers with cheese etc. I love carrots too.
So having said that, I would not worry about what your friend thinks, This is your life, your body and you have to deal with what you can live with. Do you belong to other support boards where there are DS'ers for support ? PM me if you need a list of some. I have to work a few more hours, but later on I can send you some to read if you want them.
Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire 5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS