Acid / Alkaline Forming Foods
I have not posted in a while. I have been busy with work and suffering from severe hemorrhoids that have had me in the ER a couple of times. I just wanted to post my experience and maybe it will help someone. My hemorrhoids were not caused by constipation but rather extreme acidic poo that was burning my insides and causing extreme flair ups and pain. I have three clots down there I can feel. I do not have insurance so surgery is not an option. The only thing that worked for me was proctofoam and changing my diet. I did some research and found out that if I would just add some alkaline foods it would change my poo issue. So I added a cup of mandarin oranges, yogurt and apple/applesauce (sugar free) to my diet every night. My acidic poo went away and so did the flair ups and horrifying pain. I still have the thrombosed hemorrhoids but they are tolerable when the rest of me is not inflamed. I barely feel them. I also cut back on red meats and switched to chicken and fi**** has made a huge difference in my poo. The acid has gone away and I am pain free....for now. I hope this continues to work for me. If anyone else is having this problem I hope this post helps. Here is a link to Acid/Alkaline forming foods.
It is really fun arguing with a doctor in the ER who insists you have hard poos and need stool softeners because you have hemorrhoids. I tried to explain to him that I have soft to runny poos daily but they cannot wrap their head around it. I tried to explain to him about the acidic poo and he still could not wrap his head around it. When you have soft poos and acidic poos you do sit longer times on the toilet because that unfinished feeling can keep you there because of the inflammed tissue. This contributes too. I had to learn to get up and walk away and come back later. The only good thing the ER doc did for me was the proctofoam. It was a miracle.
Ugh, sounds bad. I'm glad you found something that worked for you. I'll bear this in mind as I often sit on toilet for 30 minutes even though mine is on the softer side.
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If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
Thank you very much for posting your experience. This is good information.
I've had the acidic poo - where I thought I was passing battery acid - and it does make everything back there a burning mess. Yogurt has always been my go-to when thi****s, but I didn't know why or what other types of foods to eat to combat it.
Due to tight finances, I rarely eat beef now and just realized that I have not had an 'acid movement' in a while. Chicken and eggs are the cheapest protein, so I tend to graze on those. Now I know.
Glad you got the inflammation under control and the situation is at least livable. I do agree that the urge to sit there is strong - I never thought about how that was contributing to the problem. Thanks again.