Huperzine A - ever hear of it?
Read this on WebMD:
Huperzine A is used for Alzheimer's disease, memory and learning enhancement, and age-related memory impairment. It is also used for treating a muscle disease called myasthenia gravis, for increasing alertness and energy, and for protecting against agents that damage the nerves such as nerve gases.
And it has gotten good reviews. Not only does it help with memory recall, but it increases energy also. I think I will hunt this down myself. Thanks for posting this. I've never heard of it before now.
So I researched this, and ended up buying some myself. I have noticed that I feel like I have a 'fuzzy mind' lately, and thought it would help.
I've taken it for a couple of days now, and I haven't seen any difference. I take 2 250mcg pills a day.
Have you started taking it? Have you noticed any difference?
In my research, I read that people noticed a difference in 3 days to a week. This is what prompted me to buy it and try it.