Blockage or not (TMI)
Hello everyone
I am almost two years post op. I have not had one issue with my surgery. It so far has been the best decision I have ever made. With that being said I need some advice. I am having a lot of stomach craps (more then normal) I am so bloated and have not been having my regular large BM like I do every morning for about the past week. Today the pain is pretty bad and I am wondering if I might have a partial blockage or am just being a worrier. I went and bought some laxatives to see if that helps but I am so bloated I can't really eat and the past few nights I have thrown up and I normally do not do that. I have a message into my Dr but I just am worried and wondering if this has happened to anyone else.
on 11/30/13 7:10 am
The throwing up makes it more worrisome, so if you don't hear back from your dr, get pushy. Is the dr your surgeon, or general practitioner? Call the surgeon for advice if that's not who you have tried.
My experience with blockages and partial blockages left me with very little confidence in gp's and even most surgeons.
Until you can get in, don't eat a much, if any solid food. Liquids like soup so if it's partial blockage, you don't make things worse before you get in there. It may even help. Now go pester your surgeon. Good luck.
I'm dealing with the same issue. Cramps and very limited BM. I've also put on 12 lbs in the last 3 weeks, since this as gotten worse. Drs at Mayo clinic are not finding blockages, but stomach contents are not flowing through to the intestines in a timely manor. Before I was scoped last week, I was fasting, and hadn't had any thing to eat for 15 hours, yet the camera showed my stomach was almost full. Weird, huh!
on 12/2/13 7:43 am
Not so weird. Sounds very similar. My blockage was partial, or intestines would get pinched off, then resolve. Still don't actually know, but it went on for years, progressively worse, and FINALLY a surgeon went inside despite not being able to identify anything on scans,and took down many adhesions that were causing problems.
Even if they get an image with contrast while the painful episode is actually happening, it doesn't always show, and unfortunately this is a risk after any abdominal surgery, so we all need to be aware. I have been blissfully pain free after that surgeons spent hours cutting out scar tissue and adhesions.
The info from the emergency card on DSfacts may be useful. Details are here
It says:
"As with any abdominal surgery patient, I have an increased risk of bowel obstructions, even years after my DS surgery. These can be because of bowel slipping into internal hernias, or holes in the mesentary, as well as into spaces that develop because I have lost abdominal fat. However, there is one very important issue that is particular to the differential diagnosis of bowel obstructions in DS patients: we can have a complete intestinal obstructions and still be passing stool and gas, because the obstruction can be in the biliopancreatic limb (and thus the alimentary limb could still be fully patent). Thus, it may be necessary to order a CAT scan for me if I present with sever belly pain, even if I am still able to pass stool and gas."
So the upshot of all that is that you need a CAT scan.
Please keep us posted.
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS