Sleeve size, common channel length and results
There's been varied opinions on sleeve size, common channel length and weight loss results. Just curious as to what size sleeve and common channel you all had and what your results have been. Could you please share the following:
height, years out since surgery, starting weight, present weight, sleeve size, common channel length and please share if you have had any difficulty maintaining. Very curious to see what your results look like. I know there is a lot more that goes into individual results but trying to see if there any trends.
Could you please share the following:
Height: 5' 5"
Years out from surgery: 4.75 (5th year will be 2/25/2014)
starting weight: Highest weight: 405 lbs. Surgery Day: 397 lbs.
present weight: 175.6
sleeve size: 40 French bougie used. Immediate post op-2.8 oz capacity. After 1 year maturation: 8 to 10 oz.
common channel length 75 cm
Height 5' 5"
Starting weight 286
Lowest weight 143 (size 6-8)
Present Weight 165 (size 10-12) - not trying to get back to lowest weight. I got boobs back and don't look like a scarecrow anymore. I stay here pretty easily.
8 years post op
Sleeve size 2.5 oz at the beginning. I can probably eat around 8-10oz these days in a meal.
Common channel 100cm
DS 2005
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next to the mashed potatoes