Hemorrhoids- What a pain in the a**
Does anyone else have a chronic issue with this? I didn't even start having issues until a year ago. I have had TWO surgeries for the Fissures and ONE surgery for banding off the hemmies and STILL am having issues. I go potty twice a day one in the morning one in the evening EVERYDAY. No pushing or anything and it literally feels like LAVA! I have a prescription for norco which helps a LOT! But I get back lash from my doctor when I ask for a refill which makes me feel VERY awkward so I have just been toughing it out recently. I have a whole routine before I go to the bathroom:
- Apply Lidocaine ointment
- Take a Norco
- Start a HOT bath
- Go potty as gently as possible
- RUN into the bathtub to squat in tears
I thought this might be a DS thing but I haven't read too many people having issues with this on the boards. It has started to affect my lifting (as I cannot due squats or dead lifts due to the pain).
Any feedback or personal experiences would be AMAZING!
I've seen Colestid mentioned for burning poop. I found this thread http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/ds/3924483/EXCRUCIATING-pa in-from-hemorrhoids-Please-help-TMI/action,replies/topic_id, 3924483/page,1/ otherwise I wasn't able to find much else out there.
Hopefully someone else will chime in. I hope you can find some sort of relief very soon.
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
I have the same exact issue. Hemorrhoids. Feels like my ass is on fire all the time. Hurts to sit. I get a break every now and then. My poo feels like acid on my butt. It is not constipation either but soft poo. I only go twice a day. My routine is poo, lube, Hemorrhoid gel. I use wipes instead of toilet paper to clean my butt out really good. It is stressful because I am sitting in the car all day driving down bumpy roads. OUCH OUCH OUCH!
this is very very common in the ds community. I have had both and let me tell you fissures are one of the worse pain, like barbed wire, I used to shake, and almost feel like i was going to pass out.. because of the ds our stool is not normal, pH, constituents etc. it is very irritating (not talking about diarrhea here) you need to see a colorectal surgeon, one who understands what is going on. once this mess starts you are kinds just putting a bandaid on it. I have had 2 fissures i suffered so much for the first one, for months...who wants to have their butt in the air while this guy checks you out? the second one i treated it right away. you have to get to the point of normalcy and try to keep it there, you are not, you have to treat your underlying issue first. i definetly understand your routine....oh my gosh, i became anemic because of that, there was so much blood I couldn't see anything in there besides blood. oh go**** is just so awful. get to someone who can help you, if you are suffering and your dr is judging you...SEE ANOTHER dr, please don't keep suffering, it wont get better...please take care of yourself
I had the same thing happen to me while on vacation in September. I thought my bumm was on FIRE. I tried everything to get it to settle down. Because I was on vacation my options were limited. I tried hemmeroid cremes and suppositories, vaseline, tucks- you name it. I think I spent $60 at Rite aid. I even packed my butt in ice for the long drive home-1,000 miles( a 14 hour drive) I could not get any relief and felt like my bumm was always on fire. I work a lot with essential oils so decided to give that a try. I mixed certain oils together and applied them every time I would go to the bathroom. After several days I found a tremendous amount of relief. I still have a "hemmie" BUT I do not have the pain which I am so grateful for. I suppose if I were more diligent the hemmoroid would probably shrink even more. I'm just grateful to not have any pain.
I had looked on the threads here when I had my fissure, and found recommendations for a product called Bag Balm. This stuff is magic! Get the large sized cannister. It's a green cube tin. This stuff has been around since 1899, and is used to help cows with sore udders. Let me tell you, this stuff is Udderly fabulous. Every time I've finished pooping, I apply a liberal amount to the anal glands. Within a week, I was feeling relief. It softens the area where the fissure is. You must apply diligently. I have one tin in each of the bathrooms at home now. I even bring a plastic travel pill box with this goop in it for walking around town just in case doody calls.
All kidding aside, Fissures are no laughing matter, and disabled me here for weeks at a time, but I've been good for the past four months thanks to Bag Balm. I also saw a colorectal surgeon, and may consider surgery at some point. For now, at least, this salve has saved me - hope it can help you too. Another OTC I found helpful is a product called Tronolane. It seems to be an effective anesthetic for temporary immediate relief, but only for about an hour or so. One pharmacy around here had it, and I have also found it on Amazon.