Going a new way
I'm bored with food and for other reasons I have decided to try a new approach. I am going to go on a primariliy liquid nutrition plan. Food bores me to tears now and it becomes utilitartian very rapidly so I have decided use smoothies primarily. I am on the hunt for low carb, satisfying and delicious recipies. I want savory as well as sweet. Any idea's, suggestions, recipies?
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
Hi Jaiart, It may seem easier to go to liquid, but I hope you are planning on some solid foods in your day to, I have seen others that switched to liquid type diets and had problems with solid food, digestive issues arose, just my 2 cents. I think we all get tired of the food stuff, it is our focus so much of the time.
My thoughts are with you, take care.
I have been doing more yogurt smoothies, because it is easier to get the greek yogurt down as I'm driving and I'm tired of eating this every day.
I just googled it and tons of great recipes for smoothies popped up. I started adding fresh spinich (the pre-washed, bagged stuff) to my smoothies, as well as pumpkin (canned), canned fruits (yea, high in sugar), fresh apples, etc. Cooked/steamed veggies go into the smoothie the next morning, so I don't cook with butter but add butter once it's on my plate.
Have you thought about the back end issues? Once I had a 'small tummy' day that stretched out to 3 days. I just drank my protein shakes and smoothies. By day 2, I had loose stools. By day 3, I had diarrhea so bad that I didn't leave the house till noon. I quickly started adding dense meat to my diet to curb this.
I've gotta apologize, I gave the wrong impression that I am going one liquid foods only. That isn't what I'm planning or even doing for the same issues "in the end". Lol
Here is the detailed plan:
I will eat a nice paleo type salad, with some type of protein every day. I will eat low carb snacks as well but that's not to be the main stay of my nutrition plan. The main stay will be a high protein ultra low carb smoothie every day. That's why I want to find a myriad of good low carb recipes as well as developing my own.
I can't eat enough food to get in the needed amounts of protein plus the restroom issues; "what goes in must come out" and while my new income actions will allow me freedom to stop and use the restroom when needed. I still can't hover around the restroom though so my use needs to be semi regular and as quick as I can get it done.
By can't eat enough I mean that I still don't like most meats; while I do choke them down. I don't eat pork/pork products because I'm Muslim. Since my surgery I find I don't like many of the meats I use to enjoy. So the usual suspects get old very quickly and ground meats still creep me out.
Also since my surgery I find my teeth changing to where they seem to be weakening as if some systemic change has/is occurring.