Which DS surgeon did you use and are you happy with your DS today?
Dr Jacques Himpens and I'm 15 months out.
No complications at all!! ;-)
100% EWL
Regrets - I kinda wish I were a one stepper, but as a lightweight I'd never have got a one step DS.
I'm zinc deficient right now as I've always had to mega dose as it runs on the low side for me until one stupid lab said I was above range!! I cut back to 150mg/day for a few weeks and luckily was getting my blood work re-done at another lab that said I was actually deficient - not above the top end of the range!! I believe the lab saying I was above normal was an error as those labs don't tally with any of the trends in my other labs (plus my suddenly not so great skin says I'm deficient although glycolic acid is helping my face, I've just not been brave enough to use it on my shoulders and back especially as it's getting wintery).
I've been doing 250mg zinc a day and my skin's struggling to improve - as they always say 'it's easier to prevent a defiency than recover from one' albeit even if a stupid lab is to blame (I won't be going back there as they got my ferritin and vit D wrong - they're low and I'm due to get a vit D shot and see a hematologist soon thanks to some self-advocating).
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
That's great that you haven't had any complications. I'm sorry to hear that the lab screwed up. Thats terrible and frustrating! I didn't realize that low zinc could effect your skin. I struggle with low zinc also and I haven't had the surgery yet. How does the low zinc effect your skin? How long was your surgery and then recovery? Were you exhausted for some time afterwards?
Low zinc can cause zits. At 10.5 (bottom of healthy range is 11) I didn't have any symptoms. At 9 it's not good.
I think my surgery was a couple of hours - I only had the intestinal part done, but there was scar tissue to get through from the sleeve. My surgeon did my op lap.
I was off work for 5 weeks. I was a little tired, but you really want the time off so you can get used to your new poop schedule if you KWIM.
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
Dr Paul Kemmeter I'm 10 months out. I am also a lite weight and have lost 102 lbs since surgery. I've had no complications at all. I've had low Vitamin A but on my last labs it was coming up. My only regret is not having it done earlier in life. I feel so much better and can do anything I want now. I work 8 hour days on my feet and really could do nothing after work when I weighed so much I was to tired and my feet hurt all the time, I don't have that problem anymore.
DS 12/06/12 Dr Kemmeter
Plastics with Dr. Sauceda 8/14/2014
Lbl, bl/ba, al, tl, fl
HW/255 SW/239 CW/129
DS 12/06/12 Dr Kemmeter
Plastics with Dr. Sauceda 8/14/2014
Lbl, bl/ba, al, tl, fl
HW/255 SW/239 CW/129
Hi. Dr. K and he was/is awesome. The only problem I had was a self-inflicted hernia (my dumb ass lifted something I shouldn't have the day after my work restrictions were removed. STUPID!). Dr. K took care of that as well.
At this point, other than the anemia in came in with, I'm ok as far as I know. I just had bloodwork done this morning and will *hopefully* get my results when I see Dr K on the 23rd.
I've lost 85 pounds from my highest, about 65% of what *I* wanted to lose. I'm a year and a half out. I gain and lose the same 5 pounds but can't get below a certain point. I'm disappointed, but I also recognize that it is completely my fault I haven't made my goal and have renewed my efforts by getting my carbs back under control and not drinking as much (strangely, since I'm smaller, I have a much more active social life. Which is both good and bad...)
Downsides so far:
Heartburn much worse, especially since my insurance won't pay for Nexium anymore. *******s. But then, heartburn has always been a problem for me (Dr K also fixed an ulcer in my esophagus during my DS). Also, my massive disappointment in myself for failing to do as well as everyone else has. But again, that's top on the agenda.
...um...85 pounds!!! I was pushing a size 26 and now I'm a 16/18. I bought my first XL shirt in 20 years last weekend. I've worn it twice already. I'm still giggly about it. I weigh less now than I did when I first started my job 20 years ago. I can walk from my car to my front door without getting out of breath. I've stopped taking blood pressure pills and cholesterol pills. Because none of my "old" ones fit, I've been "forced" to go shoe shopping! I'm not a hermit anymore. I'm much more confident and not so self-conscious when I walk into a room. Being told how great you look is awesome for your ego!
Probably more info than you were looking for, but that's my $0.02.
It sounds like you are doing great! Wow, I can't even imagine what it would be like to be an XL. Haven't been an xl since highschool! I have heard of others struggling with carbs as well so you are not alone on that. I'm sure you will reach your goal but maybe it's just going to take you a little longer. That said, 85 lbs is a BIG accomplishment! How many hours was your surgery and how long did it take you to recover?
I have no idea how long my surgery took, never occurred to me to ask. I went in around 2:00 in the afternoon and they woke me up in my room around 11:00 that night.
I was back to work after 3 weeks. Thankfully i have a desk job so it was all good. I was only out a week for the hernia repair.