6 month check
I went to my surgeon for my 6 month check today- most numbers are pretty good- just a little low in a few areas. My surgeon was a little concerned over my extremely large hernia which bothers me occasionally.(it looks to like the size of a babies head poking out there!) He wants to do a hernia repair/tummy tuck possibly in Dec. I am supposed to go back in 6-8 weeks to discuss it. I should be under 200 and close to a 100lb weight loss. I have a lot of excessive skin that I think tweaks my hernia a little - the weight pulls on my abdomin.
Has any one had this surgery this soon after weightloss surgery and if so how did you do with the continued weightloss. I'm not doing a tummy tuck for looks but for comfort. Just looking for thoughts and opinions on your own tummy tucks/ hernia repairs
We are sorry to hear about your hernia repair but getting a tummy tuck would be great If you have not done so please post this on our Plastic Surgery Forum.
so your dr is doing a tt while they are doing the hernia repair? that will not interfer with weight loss. i would try to put it off as long as you can, wear a compression garment etc. just cause insurance called plastic post wls cosmetic, that is not the case, as pretty much every MO patient needs some plastics....but we just get used to where we are, and it is better than weighing 200 lbs, but is it normal? do you get rashes etc....i think as a MO patient we just lose our normalcy....good luck with feeling better