Probiotics revisited
Hi all,
I'm a newbie considering adding probiotics. It seems like I see a new ad every week. I wonder if there are any new recommendations? I see from some of the past threads that of the people that use probiotics two products were mentioned more often. While a lot of people have found a more personalized probiotic it seemed more people talked about either Pro Defense Ultra or Align.
I'm wondering if there are any new/other products people would recommend. ?
It seems like there are products that have a wide range of bacteria/flora/cultures?? (not sure the right word here) vs products with only 2 or 3.
Lastly, is there anything about the amount of cultures? I see some people are satisfied with the results from the active cultures in yogurt and others prefer higher doses. Is it YMMV? or is there some research?
Thanks for revisiting the topic.
on 5/18/13 3:59 am
THIS IS A MUST !!! You need this! It is so important since our "guts" are now really different.
There are some that are able to maintain with just yogurt. I have tried several different brands. Primal Defense, Jarrow...Align.
I do best with the Align. I use the generic version from CVS. I tried the generic version from Walgreens but didn't feel it did much good.
I also have Greek Yogurt w/Protein powder every morning.
Make sure that cultures are listed on whatever kind of yogurt you use. Watch for the sugars/carbs. I buy the plain then add my own mix.