WLS for 18 year old daughter?
Hello all,
I haven't been around much lately. I had my DS in December 2006, and I've maintained 130 pound loss for 6 years. I'm still technically obese, but much less so.
My daughter has been overweight since she hit puberty. We've tried Weigh****chers and many more through the years. She loses some weight during marching band season, but as soon as the season ends and she's not exercising 4 hours a day, the pounds come back. She is now 18 and will be starting college in the fall. She currently weighs about 250 and is about 5'11". She's not morbidly obese like I was when I had surgery, but I wasn't at 18 either. I see her struggle and I don't want her to go through what I did for the next 20 years, and I wonder if it is worth considering surgery at her age.
I went to Dr. Marchesini in Brazil for mine, but I think our insurance now covers WLS, but I imagine we'll have some work to do. Is there anyone in Florida that is doing the DS? What are your thoughts on the DS for a teenager? Would we be better off considering the sleeve? Input welcome!

My only regret about this whole thing is that I didn't do it much sooner. I would have done it at age 10 if I could have!
Is she mature? Can she handle all the vites, labwork, etc? Is she on track financially to be able to afford vites and a high protein diet?
Think really have about why she is heavy. If she is heavy because she just eats too much, get the sleeve with the smallest possible stomach. But if her weight problems are genetic/metabolic, the sleeve won't work longterm and she needs the DS.
WOW. I think it is a hard decision for someone that young. You might consider doing the sleeve
as part of a two step process for the DS. As the other post says, depending on the cause of the weight
the sleeve might not help. In the absence of any sure knowledge it might be considered a prudent first
At the least it will give her a tool to use after high school when she may not be as active.
She is so young for such a life long committment and altho overweight she is not morbidly obese. I would have her doing a little research into why she has a difficult time with gaining weight so easily. After I had my first surgery (RNY) I discovered I had a lot of food sensitivities that contribute to weight gain. My daughter who is 32 started researching it and took out all the foods she was sensitive to (gluten, dairy and sugar) and lost over 50lbs and is still losing. My sister ( who was morbidly obese) found she was sensitive to tomatoes, potatoes, wheat and dairy. After removing them from her diet she lost an amazing 290lbs all on her own. It is not an easy thing to do (that is one of the reasons I have had the DS) but there are many reasons we are overweight . Just throwing my thoughts out there. Good luck to your daughter in her journey.
I had my DS in September of 2006 and have maintained my weight loss well with few problems. My daughter had a sleeve the following year and she has also maintained her weight loss. I would recommend a sleeve for your daughter for many reasons. My daughter is now on her third pregnancy with the sleeve and has breastfed well with the last 2 babies with no problems. Your daughter is so young and not overly obese for such a large surgery and lifelong commitment. I have no regrets with my surgery but if I was 18 I would take the sleeve.
I realize that the DS has better long term weight control but with the sleeve you won't have the baggage that comes with the DS like gas, bathroom issues, supplements and yearly labs.
There are so many things that I would like for her to never experience, and the diet-lose-gain-failure cycle is one of them. I think back to when I was in my 20's or 30's and I had so many decisions and life choices that were effected by my weight. I'm not saying that my life would have been dramatically different, but maybe it would have been a little different if I'd not been carrying around an "extra person" for 20 years. I see my daughter, and she's beautiful and smart and funny, but she struggles with her weight. For the record, she brought it up to me, and I would never push her to have surgery. This is obviously something that a person has to decide for themselves.
I do think that, for her, the sleeve might be enough. She is young enough that she hasn't done the damage to her metabolism that I had done. Also with her being so young, the intestinal issues might better be avoided. The plan is to take her to a center of excellence and see what options are available. Thank you so much for your input! I truly do appreciate it. :)

I would highly recommend the sleeve for her. Because she's 250 and 5'11, she would have absolutely no issues with losing 100% of her excess weight and maintain it easily. The more she struggles with her weight in the future, the harder it will be when she gets older. We all know that!!!
I was 250 lbs when I was 18... but I'm 5'2. I wish the sleeve had been an option for me then because I would have done it in a heartbeat. Instead, I waited until I was 26... by then I was 425 lbs.
I wish her the very best!! She's got a great momma for wanting to help her with this! =)
I would not do a DS at 18, but would do a VSG. Why? I'm not sure I'd want to have the potential DS complications for that long of a life. I think she could still make a lot of progress with a VSG, and add the DS later if needed. You might be able to get insurance approval for a two-part DS, which would save you the additional approval process down the line.
No DS surgeons in FL, but one in GA. Dr. Smith in Marietta.
As for VSG surgeons, tons all over FL.
Lap-Band June 14, 2001. Dr. Rumbaut, Monterrey, Mexico.
Lap-Band removed after 7 years and converted to Sleeve Gastrectomy on July 7, 2008 by Dr. Roslin. I've had three happy healthy Lap-Band babies.... and one VSG baby. 5 years out from revision to VSG. Gained 55 pounds in past 5 months, now considering DS. :(
I agree about perhaps looking into the sleeve instead of the DS. She is 18 and she can always revise to the DS in years to come if need be. My 13 year old daughter has reached puberty and the weight issue is quite overwhelming for the both of us. She is beautiful the way she is BUT I don't want her having to deal with all the issues I did. This is their life and their bodies....and if she is happy with her body then let it be. But I have a strange feeling that my daughter and I will be in the same predicament as you are now. I wish I had this surgery at 22 instead of 41. It has changed my life for the better...even at 3 months out.
Congrats on your weight loss and maintenance. You are an inspiration! Please keep us updated on the decision you and your baby girl make;)
on 5/11/13 8:01 am
At her age, if you are going to do a WLS then do the sleeve. Do not put her under the compliance when she's just trying to start life of the vitamin regime & protein regime. Since she loses weight when she exercises. I would see about a Health Coach and a personal trainer and get her on that type system. Lifestyle changes at this stage in her life.
I lost weight the first time with a trainer and did well. Kept it off for nearly 10 yrs. Then I had an accident, blah blah blah... Mid 40's weight is like glue...
She's young enough so that if she gets on that track then maybe she just might keep it off.
I am speaking from experience of my 23 yr old niece who has lost 90lbs working out and limiting her carbs in 1.5 yrs. She still has 45lbs to go. It's slow but she's motivated and excited!
Best of luck to you!