I know you guys must hear this many times. I had my surgery 6 weeks ago (seems longer than that) I am only down 24 lbs and have been at a stall now for about 11/2 weeks. Am I a slow loser and how long do stalls usually last? Is there anything we can do to jump start the process or does it just need to take its course?
I am trying to eat solid protein but right now I feel like there is a chunk of lead sitting in my stomach. I had 1 spare rib and a little yogurt for breakfast and am now thinking that was a bit much . Should have just done the yogurt!!!
I too am stalled, no weight loss in 2 or so weeks. But feel less bloated. I am just about 5 weeks out and lost about 25 lbs since OR and 25 pounds on pre op liquids. So fifty pounds down in the last 2 1/2 months or so. Massive diarrhea post op and other things so I think the stomas healing and the new way digestive juices are flowing, well give my gut a break. I see MD next wed for 5 week update. I am finally not so weak,not such a sore butt and other things resolving, tolerating soft and some solids in small amts and chewed and chewed
Stalls happen - and they can be very stubborn. And you can do everything right and still not lose - at least that's been my experience. During one month, not only did I stall, but I went up like 9 pounds, and I hadn't done ANYTHING differently. My advice - stay the heck off the scale for as long as you can possibly stand it. Just keep doing the right things. Your body is going through so many changes, and it needs to catch up from time to time. You haven't broken your DS, you're not doing anything wrong (unless you're eating carbs), and you have to just focus on what you are doing today. Personally, it seems to take me days and days to see the scale move, then it'll bounce back up, then down again. I should more closely follow my own advice to stay off the scale, and I really try hard to do that. This fat has been with me for a long time, and my body sure is slow to want to say goodbye sometimes.
Take measurements, try on clothes in a smaller size, marvel at how much better that bath towel fits around your body, or how much easier the seatbelt goes around you. There are way many more victories than just the one on the scale!!
I had the stall at 2 months, and everyone told me that it happens between 6 weeks to 3 months. But it is normal.
How long does it last? Everyone is different. Mine lasted 6 weeks, then I dropped another 10 lbs, then it stalled again. It's our body's way of coping with this huge loss and changes in diet.
I hope you are drinking protein shakes, in addition to the protein you are eating. At 6 weeks, I could not eat enough food to get the proper protein levels in. If you are not meeting your protein levels, or your calorie levels, you body will go into starvation mode and stubbornly hang onto the fat.
How to jump start it? Just relax. Let it ride for at least 30 days. I feel that jerking your calories, and exercise levels, around during a stall only makes it worse. Just relax for 30 days and see if your body doesn't adjust and start dropping the fat cells again. After all, all of us before you have gone through the same stall. You are in good company. :-)
During the 30 days, you should track your food intake, your protein shakes, and your vitamins. You might see a trend in these that could explain the stall. Or at least you will have the data to decide what changes you will make to your diet, if needed.
Good luck.
I tortured myself with the scale for the first few months until I finally wised up. 24 lbs is a lot of weight to lose in less than 2 months, but we don't realize that because we have a tendency to compare our weight loss to others. Everyone's weight loss rate will be different. Also, weight loss is random and inconsistent. You will hit many stalls because that's the way the body works.
My advice, weigh your self only once a month. That's what I do now and it feels so much better.

Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
I am lazy and didn't read the other posts, so maybe someone already offered this solution. If someone else did already say this, sorry about the repeat.
When I had my gastric bypass I hit stalls quite regularly, and what kept me sane during those times were ketone sticks. This was something I learned from my Atkins diet days. When you are burning fat your body produces ketones. Having high levels of ketones is a bad thing if you're diabetic. It means that the body can't access the glucose in your blood and is forced to burn fat for fuel instead. But if you're trying to burn fat, then producing ketones mean success.
You can buy the strips over the counter at any pharmacy and they aren't expensive at all. You can even cut the strips in half lengthwise and make the strips last twice as long.
Ketone strips can tell you right away if your stall is due to temporary water weight or if you truly aren't burning fat. You can also tailor what you're doing diet wise with what the strips are showing. If the strips are dark purple, you're burning fat and you just need to be patient. If the strips are pink, cut back on your carb intake until the strips are showing purple again. Keep in mind that all bets are off during your period. Your body is simply going to rebel and do whatever the hell it feels like doing during that time. You won't burn fat during your period. End of story. At least, that was my experience. Periods suck. So glad I don't have them anymore (hysterectomy ten years ago).
Hope this helps,
First off, congratulations on your weight loss! Seriously, when else have you lost 24 pounds in 5 weeks?
Second, eat more protein. You should be getting about 90 grams of protein a day (give or take) and for most of us that means protein shakes. Try to get multiple shakes in a day.
Third, eat more protein. :)
At 6 weeks out your tummy is terribly sensitive still. I'd stick with softer foods still if things like the spare ribs are bothering you.
HW ~ SW ~ CW
310 - 291 - 150