Home from plastics.
on 4/25/13 2:48 am
And boy do they ever suck. NO comparison to the DS. None. The pain is so much worse. Serious regret, as of right now. Not pleased with the results. Praying time will improve things dramatically. Just trying to deal and get by right now. But wanted to check in. Thanks for lizards.
on 4/25/13 3:23 am
I had a LBL, mons lift, buttock autoaugmentation. The pain. OMG. Im wondering if due to my DS I am not absorbing or am losing the pain meds too quickly? Have just not been ablo to get ahead of pain. I have no compression garment yet, surgeon doesnt use them till one week out... Incision is healing nicely, although it is very uneven and nowhere near where we drew out that it was supposed to go. Im pretty upset I have an incision in a V shape on the outer thigh on my side that extends about 6" below where my leg joins my abdomen. It will never be able to be hidden. He WILL be fixing that come hell or high water. It looks awful.
on 4/25/13 5:49 am
Ugh, I'm right there with you now. I had lbl, butt aug and thigh lift 2 years ago, and many things turned out to be very disappointing.
I had some of it revised 2 days ago with a different surgeon, and am in absolute hell right now.
The only things I can share that may help is to give the results time, because the swelling really will be bad for months, some surgeons say a year. I keep reminding myself of this hourly. "My azz will not be this huge, I will not be covered in weird bumps....". That V shaped scar may even be located differently when the swelling goes down, so try not to be too discouraged.
The other thing is the pain meds. Don't take it when you need it, take it just because it's time. Once the pain gets ahead of you, it's really hard to get it back to a tolerable level. If it NEVER tolerable, call the surgeon for a different kind. I just learned that morphine doesn't work for me, so you may have to find one that your body likes.
Try not to worry, and get on top of that pain, because that can also slow your healing. I'd offer you a big hug, but I know we are both way to sore for one, so just know I'm laying here trying to send you all the healing vibes I can muster.
on 4/25/13 7:26 am
Yah, you need to call them and get something stronger. I gave up on the ones they gave me and am just taking things out of my kidney stone stash now. Not advisable. but saving me a trip to the pharmacy. See if someone can go pick them up for you if the surgeons office will call them in. You need some relief.
on 4/25/13 9:52 pm
He wont call anything else in. He "doesnt prescribe those medications". I KNOW what will work for me, Fentanyl. Its the only thing that has ever worked for postop pain for me without causing either allergic reaction or billiary tract spasm (which is a whole new level of pain), but he flat out refuses to give it to me. He called in Ultram and told me to take Tylenol. Gee, thanks. He also said to just keep taking more Oxycodone and Valium "take 3-4 of the Oxy and like 3 Valium, wash em down with some Benadryl and Tylenol and see what that does". You know what that does? It KILLS MY LIVER. Im at the point where Im just going to ask for a bottle of Novocaine and a syringe and just give myself little shots of local. The muscle pain is more than tolerable. Its the incision pain that is killing me (because he doesnt use local anesthetic apparently?!). And until I can get ahead of it, no matter WHAT I take in whatever amount wont take the edge off.
His reply (and THIS is what pissed me off the most)? "My patients that are in excruciating pain cant get in and out of bed by themselves, cant get to the restroom alone, cant do their walking- and you are having no problems with that." RIGHT, because THOSE people the muscle pain is worse for one, and TWO, because I am in the medical field and I KNOW my history of blood clotting issues and what would happen if I acquire one of those, I am FORCING MYSELF through the pain, shaking, and vomiting along the way because of it to GET UP AND MOVE so I DONT DIE. Its amazing what having small children and a will to live and a real understanding of complications will do for a person- pain or not. Dont tell me just because I CAN do those things and force myself to, that you "just dont buy it" that Im in pain. Needless to say, Im pretty unhappy...
And thats before I even get into any discussion about the results and surgical incision placement and the fact he thought some (very obvious) lack of symmetry was OK because I had some before surgery. NO, I had surgery to CORRECT those issues, and we marked out the incision lines with a bathing suit I will actually WEAR so that I would be able to. But yeah, well just ignore that and do whatever the heck we want anyway... He also then chose to tell me that he "didnt really tighten up my muscles too much, because he didnt think Id like the result and that it would have made it more likely Id need an anchor cut incision (which is something we never really discussed).
on 4/26/13 2:27 am
Your surgeon sounds a bit sadistic. I don't blame you for being mad.
I'm starting to wonder if this is normal with the results for plastics after weight loss, like they just think "look at where you're coming from, so even this is an improvement from where you were". This is my SECOND time hoping for better results, so I don't know if I can deal if things don't improve vastly as swelling goes down. I did a ton of research on the surgeons too. The first guy just did a lot of bad/wrong things, but this time around, I think she gave me what she felt would look great (think Jennifer Lopez) NOT what I asked for, which is almost the opposite, and what would look natural and fit my frame and body type.
I hope some numbing cream or spray can get you over the hump, and still wishing with all my might that our results even out and look more optimistic with some time. Hang in there hon.
I hear the butt autoaugmentation and thigh lift are pretty painful. I had a TT with mons lift and it wasn't too bad. I think I absorb more than before surgery pain pills kick my ass.
Definitely call and request something else. Hope it gets better quickly.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Ooh - I knew that was gonna be a nasty surgery. I hope you feel better really soon and they day comes round fast that you say that it's worth it.
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