Does anyone here take synthroid for, "low thyroid"? Does your DS absorb it ok?
My surgery is next month, I take synthroid, and I have heard that certain medications are hard to absorb with the DS. Its not
time released, and you must take it one hour before meals, or two hours after. In other words "on an empty stomach". If I dont
take this pill, I have straight up, the worst panic attacts that you could ever imagine, they last for days. Its the most horrible thing
that you could ever imagine, and wouldnt want it to happen to your worst enemy..."unless your sadistic". I know its kind of
late in the game to be asking, since the surgery is scheduled, and the plane tickets are purchased, but has anyone ever had any
touble taking their low thyroid medicine, synthroid, or levoxyl "generic for synthroid"?????

HW 372 SW 350 CW 185 GW 150 Lost 187 so far....
I had my thyroid removed, post ds anything you put in your mouth that has to go through the GI system will need to be evaluated via how you feel and lab work, forever, no exception....I have to get a waiver for my RX as it is flagged as "check to make sure this dose is correct" so they always need another approval from the dr as my thyroid dose now is 4.5Xs the "expected normal dose"......
My prescription has not changed. It has been tested at least three times since my surgery. My last thyroid results in January actually improved, and I cant help but wonder if getting rid of 100 pounds helped my thyroid operate better.
I take my synthroid first thing in the morning with my morning vites and lots of water.
I will add that my rx had never changed in 10 years and I've never had a panic attack. I have never heard of a relationship with panic attacks and synthroid.
I like your commet. it encourages me, the one before it scares the heck out of me. FYI, when ever someone comes to a Dr.
and they are having problems with "feeling not quit right", or is having panic attacks the first thing they test is your thyroid. Low
thyroid "hypothyroidism" runs in my family. Its not the Synthroid that causes the panic attacts, its the "sudden" lack of.
Hence the malabsorbion that Im so worried about. Dr.s have always told me no when I ask them about the loosing weight, and
not needing as much synthroid, but I can tell you its true for me, and now I finaly know someone that this happens to also. I
hope more people comment on this, that feel the same way you do, so I can feel better about

HW 372 SW 350 CW 185 GW 150 Lost 187 so far....
I have been on Synthroid since age 16.(MANY years) My Thyroid needs changed with the DS, but I think it was more from weight loss than malabsorbtion. The amount I take actually needed to be reduced as I lost weight. One of the telltale signs was that well after I should have stopped losing hair, I was still shedding. My eyebrows almost disappeared. Just keep your labs up to date. BTW I try to take mine in the night when I get up to pee.
on 4/21/13 8:22 am
Because of pre-DS osteoporosis, I have my thyroid tested every three months. My Synthroid has changed since my DS, but minimally. I have always taken it on an empty stomach since it was diagnosed in 1987.
"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." Stephen Covey
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I've been on Synthroid and Cytomel (T4 & T3) for over 5 years. No adjustment has been needed and I've had it tested at least 4 times since my surgery.
Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135