Sore butt?!?!
I have found what my triggers are (nasty carbs and sugar) - gives me nasty gas and really smelly stools. I have learned what I can eat and what I can't. Learned how to eat all over again from the sleeve.
And that you all so very much for always answering my questions, but this one is becoming an issue now and I know someone can give me a good answer or tool - with all the bathroom runs (not as much as before, but still there), my butt is getting so sore and raw - any suggestions on creams or ointments for night and DAY usage??
Thanks so much,
on 4/18/13 6:04 am
My DS gave me hemorrhoids. Lovely, eh? Not from constipation, but from going so often. I NEVER use dry toilet paper, always a flushable wipe, then a Tucs pad, then standard hemorrhoid ointment. This keeps the discomfort down greatly, and has managed to keep the flare ups to a minimum.
Bag balm, its in green can at any drug store. Years ago it was used to treat the utters of cows when they get chapped and sore
I believe it also has an antiseptic in it to promote healing. A little goes a long way. My kids use it for there bums, and chapped lips.
Its good for anything that is dry, and needs lubercating. Ive owned three cans in the past twenty years, thats how long it last.

HW 372 SW 350 CW 185 GW 150 Lost 187 so far....
What we will talk about here is EVERYTHING! Ihad a lousey night last night, could not sleep my bum hurt and burned so much, tried neosporin cream burns!!!. Tried hemm. supp. and somewhat helped. I will get thebag balm and hemm cream ASAP. I too have pain burning from frequency- post op DS part #2 three weeks. Tired of the pain or going, passing gas, abd pain, and want to feel "normal" again. Tired and in pain all the time. Cannot find a sweet spot of things to eat besides SF jello, pudding and popsicles. Food of any solid consistency hurts every brothy soups. Loosing weight but I have to RTW on monday I need some relief to work 9 hr days. Thanks all.
I use regular wet wipes after TP. And look for ones that have some type of oil or lanolin in them. Skip the perfumed ones. I also use them to remove my eye make-up.
I never flush a wipe - even if they say they are flushable. I need my throne working in top order at all times.
You will come to the stage where you have diarrhea and constipation - some times all in one day. Both of these will cause anus rips that become very painful and annoying. So eat cleanly, balace your calciums with magnesium, and keep using the wet wipes.
You may be getting something like a diaper rash, which is fungal because of the moisture. Apply some atheletes foot or jock itch cream to your bum before you go to bed (this also does wonders with babies for diaper rash)
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
mix together:
1% hydrocortisone,
and either bacitracin or polysporin
either bacitracin or polysporin
buy witch hazel and put in a squirt bottle to squeeze onto toilet paper
add fiber to your diet, either through foods or using metamucil or something like that.
What probiotic are you taking and when?