What do you think?
on 4/8/13 11:56 am
The full fat versions have lower carb counts. All dairy has some carbs. I switched to full fat on all my dairy, and dont count those carbs really. They are kinda negligible because the fat and protein counts are usually higher and therefore the benefit outweighs the minimal carbs in dairy. IMO.
The brand I have has 5 gms of carbs,with 4 of them milk sugar. So,I don't really know the answer. For those very sensitive to carbs,maybe not low carb enough. (I am very sensitive to carbs.) pre Ds,I had to go completely off dairy to lose even the tiniest amount.
Post DS,I added milk,cream,cottage cheese and butter,etc,back into my diet and immediately my weight loss stopped. I was hoping the malabsorption would counteract that but doesn't look like it is going to be that way. I added dairy back in 24 days ago and since then have stayed the same.
have only lost 12 # in my 5 weeks post op and was really expecting more. Am I going to be the only person in the world to have two weight loss surgeries and never reach goal. Sigh,whine over/
You have only lost 12 pounds post op? =-( That is not very typical of the DS that I have read. I Hope it gets better for you.
Oh, never mind I read your blog this is a revision and you are already a skinny minny =) Lightweights lose slower. Keep up the good work you look great! I hope to reach your weight one day.
Thanks,i keep forgetting that revisions lose slower but I need to be more skinny minnie.lol. You will get there and probably before me,lol. You can't even imagine how many newbies have come to the forum and passed me right by to goal while I am still plodding along... I just shake my head and keep on keeping on///
Yep, longer CC = less malabsorption and slower loss, although the alimentary channel comes into play. I think mine's 300 - my surgical report didn't say, but the consultant doing my follow up in the UK said that's the length my surgeon does. I've heard of people having 250 alimentary but CC is the number most get hung up on (BTW mine's 75cm).
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
My daughter is a health coach and works a lot with food allergies and weight loss. I am wondering if maybe its not the carbs holding you back but maybe the fact you may be casein or lactose intolerant and that is keeping you from losing. When my daughter removed dairy and wheat from her diet she lost 50lbs and continues to lose. She coaches others uses this method and many have been very successful so maybe look at just cutting back your diary. Just a thought.
it is possible about the lactose n casein. I had to drop all dairy pre DS,post vsg to lose the smallest amount. was hoping the malabsorption would solve that problem. but no. I have gone back off dairy as of 2 days ago.
Carbs have always stopped my loss in it's tracks. Plus I am addicted to carbs,so have to work a 12 step program with them. My carbs are usually less than 20 for a day unless I eat a piece of fruit, They were higher when I was using dairy,so we shall see.