2 step DSers, are there a lot out there?
Sounds like dance club The DSer's 2 steppers Ye Ha !!
One member here.
Part deux was MUCH more painful and more recovery time than the VSG ( easy peasy) Having trouble wanting to eat, not hungry and texture issues.
I had an enourmous amount of adhesions for the surgeon to dissect due to previous hysterectomy, where I was butchered, and fillet'd open done about 15 years ago. My first 2 hrs of DS #2 OR ws due to that and the abd hematoma's at the 8 lap sites were very very swolllen, bruised, hard and now itching. Off narcotics on OTC pain meds. walking better. Low energy, not gettting the 100 grams of protein in yet. fluids check. Turning a corner not. Remember everyones recovery is different. God bless your journey. Maja in St Louis, MO
Is there a medical reason you're getting the DS in two parts?
I ask because it makes twice the recovery, twice the cost, twice the risks. Unless it's just too dangerous to do you all at once, if you intend on getting the DS, then jump in with both feet and do it.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
I had no complications with either surgery and had a textbook recovery for both thanks to some great surgeons.
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
The change in my body has been challenging in terms of bathroom and energy... And still- I'm very pleased with the results so far. Accepting that I may never make it to goal but will be happy wherever I land!