I have a question....I use probiotics (right now using NOW 8 Billion Acidophilus & Bifidus) and am wondering if there is a "best" (or better) brand/formula than what I am using now. I just relized that I have NOT been keeping these refrigerated (and it says in VERY small print on side, why have I not caught it before who knows, that it must be). I know that most are kept in refrigerator and am suspecting that the benefits I THOUGHT I was getting taking these likely has not been happening due to this lack /oversight of care of the supplement.
That said, does anyone have a reasonably priced (not more than $20???? if possible) brand that they like? I have tried several, forget which ones, but not found THE one that makes everything better (still gassy and think this is part of the problem!).
Any ideas, suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!
Primal Defense Ultra seems to be the most recommended probiotic for DSers on here. It says "15 billion live cell count per day of 13 species of beneficial cultures". I've not needed to take anything yet and have heard some people start to have issues when they start having probiotics, therefore I'm applying the 'if it ain't broke' rule here.
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
I've tried a few, Primal Defense Ultra is highly recommended but it's too expensive (for me) and did nothing. I also tried Align.
I use one called Florajen3 and I supplement separately with Sacharomyces Boulardii & MOS.
Florjan3 contains:
Lactobacillus acidophilus—over 7.5 billion
Bifidobacterium lactis—over 6.0 billion
Bifidobacterium longum—over 1.5 billion
I find, for me, that I just feel better when I take a probiotic. It doesn't eliminate gas necessarily just makes the tummy feel better. It's so hard to describe. Food doesn't effect me as much when I take it regularly so that's a plus and I feel that it's a good addition to my day. I'm currently researching the use of fermented food as probiotics instead---like pickles and saurkraut. I read somewhere of a woman who doesn't take probiotics but eats a pickle every day. I like that idea! :) I get my Florajen3 on Amazon, it's a 90 day supply for about $23. The S. Boulardi is specifically to help prevent C.Diff. Florastor is also highly recommended by a lot of people.HW ~ SW ~ CW
310 - 291 - 150
I agree with the making me feel better, I KNOW when I'm not taking them, not that it does lots but it does seem to help my tummy and sometimes help with the gas if I eat the wrong thing, Mine just don't seem to work then I realized had to be refrigerated...grrrrrrrrrrrr at me! I have heard that Primal Defense Ultra is good, but I can't afford it either. I will look athe other one you suggested....looks like a good deal! Thanks! AND thanks to the others that replied, shows that you can still learn after almost 6 years out! :)
Hey Guys here is where i get my probiotics and my vitamins they are very reasonably priced and you get everything you need. The Probiotics are 10.15 for 100 and my complete vitamine bottle for ds is only 27.50 for 180 pills. I take 8 a day and get everything I need. So im only spending 37.45 each month and im good to go!!!! Hope this helps.
Hey, Val...same surgeon but I had mine back in Jan 2011!
Your labs will actually dictate what you need and Boyce's staff tends to NOT give good advice. An all in one MIGHT work but I suspect you would do better taking some things seperately...esp the ones like D...what you get in an all in one really is not enough for most of us.
I have to take 2 dry D3 every day...and each one is 50,000 units. So I am taking 100K every day. Taking K separately as well. One that is added ADEK would give me TOO much A, no where NEAR enough D, too much E and barely holding on with the K.
Labs & Targets can be seen in this document: argets_11-2009.doc
What most of us start with and THEN adjust with lab work is here: BPDDS3-2010.pdf
And no it's not the info you will get from Boyce's office but it works for all of us who follow it. HE is a fantastic cutter, LOUSY nutritionist!
Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135
My husband and I forget to take them if we put them in the fridge...we did find one by Digestive Advantage that is a gummy...and does not require refrigeration. So we do manage to remember it. It's not the best probiotic but none are worth a damn if you don't remember to take them, :)
Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135
I keep my Florajen3 in the refrigerator and the S. Bouldarii is packaged up with my vitamins. The first stop in the AM is always the refrigerator--since you are supposed to take probiotics first thing on an empty stomach it works for me. It sits at eye level on the shelf I see when the door opens. I take it as I'm getting my protein shake prepped (which is done within 30 minutes of waking).
I use a reminder app called Lift (for iphones only) that helps me track habits. The app type can be found for any phone if you need help building the habits of taking vitamins or supplements, even your daily protein shakes.
HW ~ SW ~ CW
310 - 291 - 150