Completely Overwhelmed
(Also posted on revision board)...
So I've been off and on OH through the years. In 2004, I had a gastric band put in. Super long story short, 8 years and 4 doctors later, I'm considering revision. Actually, my intention with making the call to my "current" surgeon came about because I just wanted this thing out of me...period. Of course before my appointment I began researching the Sleeve and RNY and after my consultation I'm definitely considering a revision. HOWEVER....I really went in armed with Sleeve & RNY information. I was completely caught off guard when the surgeon told me that because I'm hedging a 50 BMI that the DS is what he would recommend.
Um...that was never on my radar because it just seemed so radical at face value. I left his office with the self-imposed charge to research the hell out of DS. And scares me. I don't know if I am simply overwhelmed with information and I feel like this is an impossible lifestyle for me to live or what. I've gone to and have read other articles and I just feel lost.
The whole vitamin regime seems overwhelming in itself: dry D. K, E; don't mix zinc with " X", don't mix "X" with "Y"; etc... Then there's the poop issue. Define "big poo"...What's that mean? Are there several a day? Am I going to be able to hold it or am I going to mess myself? Is there warning like cramping or something if you feel a poop coming? Uggg..
Then I read the post on "conversations to have with your PCP" on and I was left really feeling ..... speechless. How often do DSers have to defend themselves with their PCP? Does your PCP do your bloodwork normally? If not, who does it and how often? What about finding a nut that knows what they're doing with DS patients? How often does one normally see their nut? What if your WLS surgeon dies or retires...who would your PCP work with then?
I don't know. I know a lots of Sleevers and RNY-ers, but I honestly don't personally know (that I know of!) any DSers whom I can even sit down to chat with. I hope that what I'm working through is normal...or is it not and this surgery is just not for me?
Sincerely lost,
Hi there Foxie!!
I was in the same position as you. I HATED my crapband and wanted to rip it out myself with a butter knife if I could! My doctor suggested DS surgery and I was just like.. uhmmm..... what? This website here is a WONDERFUL tool to use. Even after just hearing about the surgery I hopped on this forum and read all 600 some odd pages of topics, discussions and sometimes heated debates about the surgery, its success stories and the challenges.
I knew ultimately that it would be my decision and that I would have an individualized experience BUT I was prepared for almost anything. I am two years out and it is the BEST decision I have ever made! I go to the bathroom twice a day, I have almost missed the bathroom a few times yes with no warning it just a.... OMG! GO TIME type feeling. I have had to learn by my own mistakes with regards to which foods I can handle and which ones I can't, what my body likes and doesn't like. I have lost a total 175lbs and still losing.
My GP is AMAZING! He is just so proud that I am healthy and have lost the weight forever! I get my blood done every 6 months at his office with no problem at all. I do my own nutrition but that is because now I know what my body works best with and I have learned a HUGE amount about nutrition and food through not just this experience but my experience getting into bodybuilding. At the beginning I was emailing the nutritionist at the clinic I had my surgery a few times a month. BUT I found that a lot of my questions were answered on here. If they were not... I asked and everyone here has incredible feedback and HONEST answers that you will NEED to hear in order to be successful.
READ READ READ and ask TONS of these types of questions. Be sure that you are truly ready to change your life and bad habits forever because this is a totally new lifestyle but one that is incredibly rewarding and worth every second of research, pain and anticipation.
I hope this helps!
Welcome Foxie!
You have come to the right place for sure. I had a BMI of 40, and that is after living with the band for 6 years. I would have cut the band out with a butter knife as well....I hated it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I revised to the DS. 2 months out, I am feeling wonderful. Will you take vits for the rest of your life? Yes, but you should anyways. As far as the poo situation...ever have it hit you and you need to go right now? Well, it all depends on what I eat. I have learned what upsets my stomach and stay away....but that was even before the DS as well. I usually go twice a day. better than 5-6 before the DS.
Your doctor is looking for the best long term, best results for you. Can I ask a question? Why would you consider the RNY and not the DS? I chose the DS over RNY because I wanted no dumping. I also wanted the end all overall best surgery to get this weight off and keep it off for the rest of my life....all other failed WLS revise to the DS. Anatomically it makes more sense to me. Are you a vegetarian? Do you like meats, fish, cheese, butter, bacon, fats? You have more of a freedom with DS. You should search through the RNY and revision recent post was asking if anyone regrets not getting the DS instead. I have one regret. I wish I did this when I had the band done. You get used to the vitamin regimin. You have to. I am so happy my crapband is out and I love my DS.
Honestly, I was leaning towards the Sleeve more than anything. I suppose I armed myself with RNY information because I know more people who've had that done. Honestly, I never even considered DS prior to this because, well... I don't know why. But...I am considering it now, and there's nothing like having an objective party (aka the Doctor) say to my face the truths that I already knew. Hearing it and knowing it are two different things.
With that said, I very much appreciate the looser food restrictions that come with the DS. :-) AND the "no dumping" is definitely in the "pro" column!!
Welcome Roxie, Maybe I am one of the lucky ones, but the DS has been easy for me and one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I lost all my weight within a year by cutting out carbohydrates. Now that I am maintaining, I can eat some carbs. I do it carefully and limit them as they can cause gas and weight gain, but still I can enjoy anything I want to try. The first couple of years your stomach size is limited so you must concentrate on eating mostly protein. Now at over three years I have room for a bit more including treats. I tolerate most foods in moderate amounts.
I have a monthly vitamin organizer box that lets me take my daily doses without much thought or effort. You will have to budget for them the rest of your life as they are a necessity. It may seem expensive, but I have used mine for three years and it is going strong-well made.
I have had no trouble getting orders for my annual labs. My PCP was very supportive of my choice of surgery and good at going over the results with me. Here and at the other forum, there are lots of knowledgeable people to help you. I've never seen a nutritionist.
Only you can make the final decision but with a BMI of nearly 50, I have to agree that the DS is your best option for success. Good luck to you.
PS I have never had an accident. I traveled internationally at 10 months out with no problems. Early out you must be close to the toilet for a few weeks though.
I take 14 pills a day at 4 different times. My iron levels have been a problem since the beginning but this last year my Vit A and Vit K tanked, so I had to add these pills into my regiment.
I eat all the time sometimes. I drink a protein shake a day at least. I eat protein before I eat anything. I no longer count my protein because by now I can easily tell if I got enough protein in during the day. I still pay attention to carbs because this does effect my poos.
My farts stink they did before they do now. They can smell worse if I eat carbs. My sh*t does stink but I expect it too. I normally go once in the morning and once when I get home, they are smelly but I have sprays to take care of that.
My PCP knows the information that I have brought him on the DS that is enough for him. I tell him what blood tests to order and he orders them once a year. When we had issues with my Iron levels he sent me to a hematologist. This is enough for me and my surgeon is more than 10 hours away from me.
You have a BMI of 50, you need the DS but you are smart to take the time to stop and ask your self can I handle the DS.
DS with Daryl Stewart 04/21/10 - SW 306lbs CW 140lbs
Plastic Surgery with Dr. Sauceda 11/06/12 - LBL, Thigh Lift, BL/BA, small Arm lift
I'm so glad your doc recommended the DS. Things really become routine over time. I'm 7.5 years out and I can tell you that it's very easy to live with. I take around 14 vitamins in 4-5 intervals, just every couple of hours until they're gone. I take a similar approach to eating (every couple of hours, too) so I get all of my protein in. My PCP does my bloodwork during my annual physical. I keep track of everything and compare my results to the last tests to see what's changing and adjust my regimen accordingly.
Oh - and the poo thing...I have a giant poo every morning, bigger than I ever did pre-op. Once I'm empty, I'm done for the day, so there's no running to the toilet for me. Just don't interrupt my morning routine and all is well. Daylight savings time is a struggle for a few days, but that's a small price to pay.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
I'm almost 5 yrs out and wanted the DS because of my diabetes. It's been the best decision of my life. I had bowel issues before my DS and I still have bowel issues. I take vitamins and calcium 6x/day. It's habit and I adjust after I see my labs. I do have problems with gluten but it may also be my age. I love protein and it's always my first go to food. I always have snacks with me. I do eat every 2 hrs or so.
Research go to another presentation by your surgeon to get more information. Ask questions.
Would I get the DS knowing how everything would be? YES in a heartbeat...
HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11 UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda
I was in the same place . . . I had a lapband, it broke. I never got below 255. I wanted it out, wanted the sleeve. Surgeon said the sleeve wouldn't have been good enough, I needed the DS or RNY. After talking with me for a while, the DS was his recommendation.
Important fact . . . "successful" loss with sleeve is 50% of excess weight. I was over 300. I needed to be 150. 50% and successful was 75 lost. I couldn't stand that being successful with the sleeve would still possibly leave me over 200 pounds.
I wanted to get cut open one more time and be done. Some one i work with did the sleeve with the decision to revise to DS if the sleeve didn't get her where she wanted to be. But I went all or nothing, and I'm glad I did. I'm now 6 months out and half way there. I'm on track to hit goal in 12 months.
I have a relative and friends that have had RNY, and I wouldn't do it. I have small children to deal with and dumping would keep me from taking care of them. Dumping isn't just "run to the bathroom" it's feeling shaky, dizzy, lightheaded, and maybe vomiting. I had enough productive burping with the lap band. I've never had an accident, the gas is pretty strong but seriously, does anyone's gas smell good?
I would do it again in a heart beat. I've been anemic, but I was with both prior pregnancies, and now that someone it actually keeping an eye on me, I'm addressing it for the first time and actually have had improvement on my labs. Vitamins aren't a big deal. I told a diabetic friend of mine recently how much I pay for vitamins each month, and she couldn't believe how cheap it was compared to her medications.

Garden Fairy in training, according to my daughter
I am 10 years out and I wouldn't trade the DS for anything else even on my worst day. Why? Because it works. And I'm one of those who are really metabolically challenged, I am still not thin. But I know darn well the other surgeries would have failed miserably. As far as I'm concerned the DS is the only surgery that works in the long term.
10 years and I haven't thrown up or gotten sick yet. I am healthy as a horse and can eat anything(but I shouldn't). And I still always diet and try to lose more. The DS is a YMMV surgery. No way to tell how well it will work for you but it WILL work better than anything else out there.
I date and live a normal life. I eat normal meals. No big issues here! No drama!