one month till surgery--getting nervous
Hi All--Just about one month till my surgery and starting to get nervous, but I am so ready to do this. The time is going by faster then I expected, I see Dr. G on the 13th to sign all the papers and get my instructions. It is going to be a busy month, hubby birthday is at the beg of the month, hubby's Spring break, Zoe (daughters) picture day and her Spring break, my birthday ( 2 days before surgery) and Easter (the day before my surgery). I am still excited to be able to have the surgery to help me get to where I need to be to live a much more healthy and happier life, to do things I haven't been able to do because of my weight. Thank you everybody that has answered my questions and given me support since I started this journey. :) Soon I will be on the looser's bench!!!!!!!!!!
Love to all!!!!!!

Yep, this month will fly by....we are at the end of Feb already! I can't believe it. It goes by quickly. You will do great. Just remember to get up and walk as soon as possible. It does make you feel better let alone its the best thing you can do next to getting in your water. I will be praying for you and we are here waiting for you guys on the loser's bench;)
How are you doing??? I hope they get me up as soon as they can I figure it has to be like when I had my c-section. How did it feel when you got up?, I know when I had my c-section it pulled a little but I figure that is because it was a horizontal cut and this is a vertical cut. Zoe keeps telling me she is going to give me 100 glasses of water lol.