Back, Hip, Leg Issues . . . The Verdict
Just to catch you up, I had what started out three weeks ago as suspected sciatica that turned very bad on the morning of the fourth day resulting in an ambulance ride before day to the hospital, mind-numbing pain, severe muscle weakness in the thigh and suddenly couldn't straighten right hip. Everyone's saying still just sciatica, but I knew something else was wrong.
Well, yes, I apparently do have sciatica, but that was only 5-10% of the problem. The other 90% of hell was severe muscle cramping which was sudden, constant and in some instances had actually locked the muscles completely. THIS is what sent me to the hospital!!!!! This due to what I suspect is vitamin deficiency. I am scheduled to have my labs drawn first thing in the morning at Wellstar, but since last Friday, I have been pushing magnesium, potassium, vitamin D and some extra zinc, B6 and B complex for starters in addition to my regular regimen. It has been a world of difference since then. The muscle cramping has lessened with the exception of some when I stretch or stand with my back completely straight for more than a few seconds, but even that is lessening with the mild stretching exercises I'm doing. For the first time yesterday morning, I was able to straighten my hip. The muscle weakness, especially in the back thigh and hip is improving day by day that I have begun weaning myself from the hardcore pain meds and hope to ditch the cane by Monday. Hip doctor ruled out anything with the joint, he said it's in good condition and so we're waiting on the back MRI to determine how to proceed.
Vitamin deficiency is no joke, not that I ever thought it was. Not familiar with sciatica, but based on my experience right now, it is a piece of cake compared to the muscle and nerve issues due to the vitamin deficiency. I know this is the beginning of a long road of pushing vites, regular monitoring until I can relax into a maintenance regimen, and I'm okay with that. I'm just glad to KNOW what was going on and to be actively addressing it. Thanks so much for all your input, encouragement and support. I greatly appreciate it. I'll keep you posted.
Hi Jo Jo, I'm so glad you're starting to feel better. Thanks for updating us ((hugs)).
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
Hi Jo Jo,
So glad you are doing better. I too had the sciatica problem last year and ended up in the ER and in the hospital for pain shots that all but knocked me out. It wasn't until about a month afterwards that I realized I had some serious issues with malabsorption and vitamin deficiency. I had RNY about 6 years ago and ended up with a fistula. It was like I had never had the surgery. The part I failed to remember was that I still had the malabsorption creating vitamin deficiency issues. Once I realized all that I started taking my vitamins religiously again and a lot of those issues went away. It was a very painful reminder of how compliant I need to be.
Hope your on the mend!
Yup, it is definitely no play thing. I am actually functioning without my cane today. Not walking completely straight yet because the high thigh/hip muscles start to cramp when I do, but I'm gonna work on that carefully with stretching this weekend and see where I am on Monday. I am glad you were able to resolve your issues as well. Compliance is key.
I'm sorta confused, and not here to give you a hard time, but wondering if you've had complete labs, and been supplementing correctly?
I'm assuming not, but am concerned because I have real reservations about throwing different vitamins at problems to see if they help. You can overdo some vitamins, and if you have in fact been supplementing, and it would be better to let some testing and doctors sort this out.
Again, not here to kick you when your down, and I DO know that life can slide sideways and distract us (I have been having a nightmarish year myself) but it really would seem prudent to get really thorough labs before making major changes to supplements, when we already take soo many.
No, but as I mentioned in the previous emails, I started with the changes thinking it would be safe in the beginning while labs were being drawn to see exactly where the numbers were, then I could discuss further with my doc and we could determine how best to adjust based on the actual labs. I couldn't not do anything and just stay in that kind of pain. The progress let me know that I am indeed on the right track, but labs will let me know better how to proceed. Thanks.
Your poor thing,
I have sciatic nerve issues, L4-L5 &S1-2 pinching of nerves in lower back with mod to severe brusitis in left and right hip. Extremely painful without pain management. In Fact I am getting a steriod injection to left hip this coming Monday.
I started having mind numbing leg cramps a month ago and quite a few other symptoms such as moderate hair loss, I was cold all the time (I live in Florida for peetz sake) and I had to wear a sweater all the time. Dizzness, shortness of breath. Was hospitalized this past weekend for coronary distress, almost had a heart attack.
And guess what? I am so freaking anemic I could have died. I did not have enough iron or hemoglobin to walk 100 feet because my heart was starving for oxygen. I also have a low albumin which would be typical with anemia.
With that said, make sure they do not let you stay on low end of normal because it only takes one crisis to go under. I am now going through He&& with aggresive weekly infusions and bloodwork to restore my depleted reserves so I can start making red blood cells again.
Keep us updated sweetie, good luck
I've had life long anemia issues and see a hematologist regularly. My body simply does not absorb and store iron properly to maintain the necessary levels. I had to have infusions prior to my DS. I have regular check ups every three months and actually called to advise them of what's going on in the event they want to check things out. I've had my full labs done and we're looking to those results to determine how to proceed. Number should be in by the end of this week. Thanks.
Hey girl, please do update us on your lab results. I did not get my steriod injection yesterday. Pain Management said I was so weak and frail that we would do a short term oral steriod to calm everything down while giving me 2 months to see if we can get my albumin and iron up some.
I was so weak in his office I could not hold my upper body up well. I am sure the weakness is causing some of my pain. We are upping my percocet up from 2 a day to 3 and mind you those are 4 to 6 hours apart. I also take Tramadol inbetween for break thought pain and it helps alot.
I am drinking Muscle Milk like water right now but Dr. said that right out of the gate we are going for gold and to blast myself with good protein in hopes I will absorb some of it. When your Iron is as low as mine you will not abosrb all you other Vits well either.
Just keep plugging at it sister. We are all here for you.