Making myself Clear
I guess ppl thought at 3 years out I am just now getting labs drawn lol. Of course not. I am a strict protein vitamin taking DS Diva. My labs are done every 4-6 months.
Just in past 9 months I have been running on the lower end of normals and even Dr. Greenbaum said I was fine. I kept telling all the doctors something is wrong and crisis would not be good. And here we are.
I do not understand why the doctors get so intimidated when they do not understand what your malabsorption and dietary needs are and you do the homework for them and even print it out for them. Plus I had Dr. Greenbaum send my op report with explanation and they still do not listen. They keep treating me as a gastric bypass pt.
I pray that this hematologist is as smart about DS malabsorption as he says he is. But I just want some of you that have privately messaged me to know YES I GET LABS DRAWN ON A REGULAR BASIS. I have done very well but got sick and slacked off a little over past 2 months but still was getting in at least 2 protien shakes a day and this should not have happened.
I hate it when doctors will not listen to their patients!
"Let us not glide through this world and then slip quietly into
heaven, without having blown the trumpet loud and long for our
Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Let us see to it that the devil will hold a
thanksgiving service in hell, when he gets the news of our departure from the field of battle." - C. T. Studd
I know, I feel like giving up, but I want to live. I will kick and scream till they address my issues. I take so many vitamins that its rediculous but its what I have to do and its ok with me. I have labs done routinely and when I bring a low level to their attention they look at me as if I were nuts and tell me I will be fine.
I understand completely that doctor's don't know about this surgery. None of my doctor's ever heard of it and they all put "gastric bypass" in my charts even when I tell them and show them a diagram of the DS.
But I don't understand why you let doctor's who don't understand your surgery dictate what you do or don't do. All the vets here are willing to look at your labs and advise you and Michelle (VitaLady) is too.
So I don't see why you let yourself get in so much trouble when you knew you had resources right here all along.
on 2/18/13 1:46 pm
I'm only 6 months out. I'm already tired of Dr's saying " You had Gastric Bypass" I say "No, the DS Switch" then I even had the comment when I was trying to find a new gastro Dr. "Well, it's the same thing." I said "Oh no, this guy is not going to be my Dr"
It's hard to find Dr's but don't give up.
I have a Hematologist appt next week. I am almost dreading it because I know I am going to have to explain everything to him. My PCP, Cardiologist, GI and this Dr all know each other. I hope he will become part of my team and truly listen to me.
I saw it mentioned in another thread that with RNY they bypass 15% of your intestine whereas with the DS they bypass 60%. Hopefully your Docs are able to grasp that if nothing else!! ;-)
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
OMG Tiff, I missed you too.
Send me personal message with your phone number because I lost my dang phone and 75% of my contacts.
P.S. we gotta lot of catching up to do lol.