Airport help, 1st time w/DS - tips
Well, I am on my way to San Antonio, Texas this Friday. I am traveling by myself and also flying for the first time since my DS. I already planned taking my protein powder in my luggage under the plane because I know I can't carry it on. Besides it would be to bulky to lug around. I want to carry my all my vitamins on my person just in case my luggage is lost. It is very hard to find the vits in dry from in a city I am not used to.
My main questions are:
Did anyone have any trouble with security on caring that many unmarked vitamins on the plane in their purse?
Should I take a letter from my doctor explaining them?
I am just worried they will confiscate them :(
Also any other tips for traveling ? I am a bit nervous and excited.
on 2/12/13 1:35 am - OR
Here's what I do when I fly -
Pack enough vitamins in my carry on to get through 5 -7 days. Individually packaged by day, not bottles & bottles. In the event your luggage is lost it is very unlikely it will be for more than a week. I've had my luggage lost & as long as it is properly marked, it really doesn't get lost forever.
I carry on protein snacks like jerky & nuts - worst case some nasty protein bars. I take an empty water bottle & fill it after the security checks.
Then I consider where I'm going - If it is at all civilized I can always replace lost vits & protein with the basics - might not be to my taste but they'll do in a pinch. Destination will determine what I pack in my checked luggage, too.
The only problem I have had with security was with liquids - specifically my lotion & sanitizer. They didn't bat an eye @ my pills.
I've traveled within Europe and from here to Egypt and been OK. I hope you're OK with the TSA.
My main bit of advice is stick to Atkins induction the 24 hours before you fly - you don't want to deal with gas. I had chili one time and the small amount of beans in it doesn't normally bother me, but boy did I have to pass gas when I got off the plane (I didn't dare on board - I couldn't tell if it'd all be gas or not - the 'not' being my concern).
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
I've carried them on to the plane several times all together in a baggie like I was some kind of junkie. Nobody every said a thing, even when I went through customs in Canada (however they did confiscate my lipgloss because it was an undeclared liquid).
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
I fly twice a week for work and I am a month shy of 4 years post-op. Don't put anything in your checked luggage that you ever would ever be too upset to lose. My luggage has been lost/stolen and never returned on two occasions despite having my named on the outside and on the inside. I try never to check my bag unless I will be more than a week away from home. Anyway, you won't have any issues carrying vitamins or protein powder in checked luggage or carry-ons if you are flying domestically. No one has ever said a word about anything that I've traveled with.
Make sure to eat cleanly the day before you fly. Flying can make you bloat and become gassy. Make sure that you stay properly hydrated so I'd bring an empty water bottle or plan on buying a large bottle of water once you get past security. They only give you a small glass of whatever on the plane ... maybe 6 ounces. I put my protein powder into snack size ziplock baggies. Sometimes, especially if I have a layover, I will get a big coffee and throw my protein powder into it. They often sell ready to drink protein shakes in the stores at the airport but they're about 5 bucks a bottle for Muscle Milk. Pack easy protein snacks like string cheese or almonds.
Don't worry and just have fun. I traveled to San Antonio for a few months for work. At least there's good Mexican and some good steak houses. If I can think of it, I will post a really good Mexican place I went to which is kind of out of the way a little but within walking distance.
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