Okay Now I am worried.

(deactivated member)
on 1/31/13 12:34 pm

Awesome!! I am glad you replied. How many weeks did you take off of work? This is what I am trying to decide. I have about a 20 minutes strip of nothing but other than that most of my clients are in nursing homes. Most of my contracted nursing homes are in a city area so I can find a gas station if need be. My longest drive is a straight hour but there is mostly  cities every ten miles or so. 

They never give us Hospice Nurses enough time off in my opinion. Five years with this company and I only get three weeks and three days. We need a week off every two months. They say Hospice Nursing is more stressful than having breast cancer according to the nursing board and educational tests I have taken. LOL. One of the highest stress jobs out there and I only get three weeks. =P to that. lol.

Nice to meet a fellow HN. I am up for any info you have on recovery while in the field and how long it took. =)

on 1/31/13 12:59 pm - AL

I had laproscopic surgery and at three weeks was starting to be able to take care of myself, get my fluids in and sleep a little bit.  I couldn't have gone back to a desk job half time at three weeks.  I was older so maybe that was it  (50ish).  I know other folks recovered a lot faster than I did but I wanted you to hear my story.


(deactivated member)
on 1/31/13 1:08 pm

Thank you for your reply. I am right behind you at 42 lol. We do not quite recover like we use to, lol. I miss those days. 

on 1/31/13 2:52 pm
DS on 12/18/12

44 here.  I had an open ds 6 weeks 3 days ago.  Still VERY sore.  Reaching, bending, turning in bed causes a fair amount of pain.  I have help during the day for my 11 month old, at this stage I could not lift him and chase him.  If I do too much at the end of the day I am hurting A LOT!   Getting in/out of my mini van causes pain and pressing around my incision hurts/tender.

Dr. says it is normal for this much pain.  My incision is still open/draining and will need another three weeks to close per my Dr.

I have had three c-sections and I was pain free at about 7-10 days.  I did not expect to have this much pain at over six weeks out with the DS.




(deactivated member)
on 1/31/13 11:35 pm

Ouch! I hope you recover soon. =)

on 2/1/13 1:23 am - Walker, LA
DS on 10/11/12

I have a low key desk job.  I went back 8 days post-op.  =)

At 3 weeks out, I was able to do much more.  I did tire out easily, but I kept up with my protein and stayed hydrated. 

Sleeved 6/2007 - Switched 10/2012 


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