Sleap apnea

on 1/28/13 8:15 am, edited 1/28/13 8:16 am - Phoenix, AZ
DS on 02/05/13
I just got results back and I have an 102 "episodes" an hour. The respitory Therapist said this is the worst case she has ever seen.

I have read that people with sleap apnea should not get the ds because of the anastetics (however thats spelled). Im afraid to die as it is. This just added to me fear!
Valerie G.
on 1/28/13 9:28 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

I've never heard of that one.  There are several who once suffered sleep apnea who have had the DS

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 1/28/13 10:12 am

First of all, they test you for sleep apnea so they know what they are dealing with and how to best treat you after anesthetics.  Having sleep apnea does not necessarily preclude you from having the DS.


As far as being afraid to die, I think we probably all experienced that fear.  I had a major surgery about three years ago - where they opened me up to remove two ovarian cancer tumors.  The surgery was very similar to the type of surgery with the DS - albeit, they didn't rearrange my innards - they just went through them with a fine tooth comb.  As a matter of fact, they opened me along the exact same scar for the DS.  I was terrified prior to that surgery...but this time around, not so much.  Honestly, if I had died, it wouldn't have been the worst thing - I'm pretty miserable living life as a person my size, it's hard to haul my fat little pink and white body around, there are a lot of aches and pains, and a constant fear that every little twinge is a heart attack or I'm minutes away from a stroke.  The surgery, even with it risks, was a better alternative to continuing the way I was.  And I don't regret a second of it, just three months out.


You will do fine and be much better when you come out the other side.



on 1/28/13 10:25 am - bay area, CA

You would need the same anesthetics, i.e. general anesthesia, for any wls or for that matter any other surgery that requires a general anesthetic. You will be told to bring your CPAP mask to the hospital with you and will need it post-op.

This is absolutely not a reason not to have the DS. In fact, the DS has the best statistics for resolution of sleep apnea of any wls. The degree of improvement or resolution for this comorbidity depends on how much weight you lose, and the DS creates more excess weight loss than any of the other bariatric surgeries available. Of course, there is no guarantee for complete resolution, and not everyone gets that result, but you should at least get significant improvement, and more improvement than with any other operation.


on 1/28/13 11:44 am
DS on 08/28/12

You'll be just like most of the rest of us.  Go get a CPAP.  You definitely need one.  Then lug it to the hospital when you go to have your DS.  They will hook your oxygen right into your CPAP tubing after surgery.  If your sleep apnea is so bad that you have 102 episodes per hour, I would say you are just the person that needs a DS.  Your apnea may or may not resolve but losing some of the extra weight from your chest/neck will def help matters. 

(deactivated member)
on 1/28/13 4:31 pm

Actually sleep apnea is one of the reasons Surgeons look for to add to your list of REASONS to have the DS surgery. At least that is why I was told to wait for my results to come back before submitting it to insurance. 

on 1/29/13 3:07 am

Ditto to a lot of what has already been said.  I, too, HAD severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  It was one of the reasons that helped me get approved for my DS.  The anesthesiologist was well aware of my condition and I took my CPAP to the hospital.  Now my apnea is history as it has gone away.  I gave my CPAP machine to someone *****ally needed one and couldn't afford it.  Win/win, eh?

Of course, it's natural to have fears pre-op.  Just wanted to let you know of one success story.  Hope this helps!

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 1/29/13 3:54 am - Houston, TX
DS on 11/01/12

Sleep Apnea was one of the main reasons I had the DS.   I'm only 12 weeks post op, down 93 pounds, and no longer need to use a BiPap machine.  Also, I don't fall asleep during the day anymore and my snoring has stopped! 

The fear of something going wrong is natural.  I had several nightmares leading up to my surgery.  The best thing you can do is make sure you are using an experienced surgeon, lose a little weight pre-op if necessary, try not to worry, and go for it!

Best wishes!


on 1/29/13 4:31 am - Phoenix, AZ
DS on 02/05/13
thank you all for your responses. I already have a cpap so I silk take it with me. I will be getting a bipap soon as well.

Banded on 7/1/09,cool removed on 11/11... Switched on 2/5/13. Ticker includes 23lbs lost on preop diet...          



on 1/29/13 10:46 am

I am 4.5 months post op from having my DS, please don't let the sleep apnea scare you away from any WLS of any type. I myslef was really bad with out my cpap, I had a setting of 14, and used my oxygen on 4 before my DS....I now have lost a total of 109 pounds, and no longer need the my advise is have the surgery, and when packing your bag for the hospital just take the cpap with you.  Good luck to you....

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